That the child should know about the forest instead of which moss grows


Our generation, which has grown back in an extraordinary era, is armed with the knowledge gained on the game "Zarnitsa", the lessons of the valve and the experience of our grandmothers, sent to the forest on berries and mushrooms, as soon as the snow comes down.

The forest is proactive, hobs the partisans and in general, the forest is the home of the native.

But with our children a little worse. Gentle children who are accustomed to the resorts of Turkey and Spain, familiar with the forest on the cartoon "Masha and the Bear", computer games and the textbook of natural science, do not know how to dry the fire with a magnifying glass and a swab stick. (But do not ask me what I have a stick from the mops - judging by my knowledge of the lessons of the obzh, the stick from the mop replaces the Kalashnikov machine, stretcher and a langelet for a broken leg).

Here are the ten most important rules about the forest that you should know the children.



In the forest you can get lost. Everything is lost: those who are 30 years old berries for the same swamp, candidates for the master of sports on orientation and ordinary people. Even if you are today a secret intelligence agent or Chingachguk - leave at least one person to encrypt where you search if that.

# 2.

With you, you need to take not just a phone, but a charged phone. There is no Waifa and outlets in the forest. Will you spend the charge on social networks and messengers - report that you will be lost, you can not.

# 3.

This is a birch, and this is a pine, it is a hillock, it is a glade, and this is a swamp. Knowledge that it is around and what these strange trees are called with white trunks, can help in the lesson of biology and geography, and it is still useful if you knee in the swamp and tell the rescuers on an almost discharged phone that you see around.


Not all that grows in the forest is equally useful. No need to chew unfamiliar mushrooms and berries. It is difficult to poison, although with a certain proportion of luck, but the stomach will accurately hurt.


Tutorials lie: Moss grows from all sides of the tree, birds fly in any direction, the sun in our latitudes sits into the clouds. The Chinese compass spins as he wants, and if you do not know how to use the navigator, you are not time to learn this right in the forest.

In general, I'm not sure where to go - do not go anywhere. Get up and wait for help.

# 6.

The bear is very pretty. Such fluffy, contact and friendly. I want to give them a candy and squeeze. It is a pity that the bear is very good mothers, and they forbade their children to communicate with outsiders. And they quickly run.

Fox is also better to go around the face. Especially sad. Unfortunately, most often foxes are sad and strive for communication, when they are infected with rabies.

The best animal in the forest is a dog taken with me for a walk. In a cold night I will warm up, Laem will call for help, if you fell asleep too tight and you do not hear rescuers.

# 7.

Proteins are not familiar with the latest trends of the season. To admire their microchorts and sandals will not be able, unlike mosquitoes and ticks. No, sprays from insects will not help. They cannot be applied on bare skin.

But what the rescuers love, so these are bright caps and jams on children: they can be seen from afar.


The weather is changing. Quick and ruthless. So the windbreakers, normal shoes and pants with pants - our choice. Do not believe weather forecasters - rain or will be, or not. But what will you be in the rain is a question.


Even if the breeding of fires is not your horse, give yourself a chance. Throw in pocket lighter or match, but better both. If they got lost, attempts to make a magnifying glass of glasses and dews may seem fascinating, but absolutely unproductive.


The forest is, of course, it is proactious, but, first, see paragraph 4, and secondly, the berries are ripening not before July, and the mushrooms are generally a separate kingdom and unpredictable. Water in the forest - at least stuck. Only here it is usually either the chavisets under their feet, either with thaws and badly smells. In general, do not deny yourself anything: take into the forest of minerals and chocolates.

Text author: Alexander Saminskaya

Illustrations: shutterstock

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