In the trees do not grow: how to teach a child to handle money


Few of us parents taught to handle money. For the majority that grown in dashing nineties and incomprehensible early zero, financial education was in a nutshell: "No money." Do not repeat the mistakes of your parents - you do not want, so that your child lived from salary to salary and on the ears in loans?

Do not feel free to talk about money

In our society, the topic of money is barely not more than the subject of sex - even those who can discuss the bed acrobatics in all details are impassing, asking for a salary and do not dare to ask the true income of the partner. Take a child to the fact that money is not a despicable metal and a prose of life. Believe me, the ability to discuss finances will be very useful for him. Tell out loud about family spending and budget distribution, explain what a loan is (and why it is better not to contact him). Otherwise, the child will seem to the child to old age that the money will somehow form in the wallet, like mold.

Install a realistic budget

Sponsing the child, do not cheat and issue the amount to which you can really buy something desirable. Let it be not the designer of the "Star of Death against Enterprise", but at least the status ice cream, or something. But I do not oversee a stick with generosity - the child is not easy to make a choice between a dozen tempting opportunities.

Do not decide for him

Let us agree: since you myself gave a child a hundred, it's his personal hundred, and he is free to spend it on that nonsense that is sweet to His heart. Yes, even if it is a terrible green flashert of plastic or kilogram of sugar wool. Obtaining a tough veto on some purchases, you deprive it with the opportunity to learn how to make decisions.

Keep hardness

Krovochka dreams of nonsense, the price of which does not fit into his budget, nor in the framework of common sense? Looking at the bloodstands of suffering, I really want to spit on the pedagogy and immediately give him a difference - let it already buy this nonsense and ascended to the courtyard Society. Here is not necessary. It is better to sit down and explain to the child that three weeks without candy and rolled rollers are already half of the nonsense. You can even start the target account - a box, in which the child will postpone the penny.

Keep hardness-2

If you betray money for a week, and the Tuesday of the Baby Wallet is empty - this is a detkin problem. The best thing you can do is to sit down and calmly discuss where they were going. Resect explicit mistakes in managing finance and black holes in which the weekly content has flown. If such conversations were held in childhood with us, we would not beat your head about the wall on the eve of salaries.

The older child, the more money

And not because the needs are growing (although it is also), but because the child is older, the more responsibility, including financial. The relatively large amounts received in hand will allow CHATD to apply skills in the practice of budget planning and the ratio of desires with opportunities.

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