7 fruits, from which harm is greater than good


Eat fruit, like a distraught lemur, for breakfast, lunch and dinner - live 100 years and will you look at 20? Well, the root is right. But still, consider the components of your fruit salad more closely. Some fruits are causar burgers.


These devilish berries almost failed a bunch of kids in the Indian city of Muzaffarfur - doctors could not figure out why small Hindus suddenly began to be mastedly sneeze, lose consciousness and beat in convulsions. Fortunately, doctors in time tied the mysterious epidemic with the lychee season. Lychee has the ability to reduce blood glucose levels - and this is very critical for those who have it so low. That is, in particular, for all who forgot to have lunch. No lychee before meals!


Stop, but what about ODD oranges in each article about healthy eating? So it is so, in oranges a bunch of vitamins and fiber - but the acids in them are also very much. So much that love for oranges can augrical to the destruction of dental enamel. Researchers from Rochester university found out that even orange juice for teeth is destroyed as sweet soda. However, the problem with juice is solved easily - drink it through the tube.


Ergonomic eco-packaging, fast saturation, pleasant taste. Yes, but bananas, especially ripe - it is 93% of carbohydrates and to the sugar fig. That is, bananas are not far away from the cookie. Such a fruit fool.


In mild thoughtfulness, you can easily squeeze a kilogram of grapes. You can, but not worth it. Sweet grapes - this is almost clean carbohydrates, 27 grams of carbohydrates in one cockpit. In addition, grapes -0 strong allergen, can cause a bloating of the abdomen and disorder of digestion, and he is also pretty caloriene. So do not follow in innocent appearance: grapes are so-so dietary snack.


This kind of like a useful berry contains a lot of oxalates - substances that increase the risk of renal stones. Dried cranberries is even worse - she is sour, so sugar is often added to it. Half of a small cup of dried cranberries is more than 300 calories.


Coconut is not a fruit, and the nut, well, it's still - in a company of harmful fruits, he fits well. Like any nut, Coconut is damn caloriene. But, unlike the hazelnut and almond, it hides it well. In the coconut pulp about 300 calories per 100 grams, and almost all of these calories are fat.


In ripe cherry about 17 grams of sugar per 100 grams of pure product - somehow too, especially if you are on a diet or suffer diabetes. But it is Polwy. The cherry contain short-chain carbohydrates, which are very, very poorly digested and lead to the bloating of the abdomen, drowning and exacerbation of irritable bowel syndrome.

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