How to help your girlfriend lying with a child in the hospital?



Suddenly you know that your friend with a child was pleased to the hospital. You need to do something! You take the phone and hang. Is it worth distracting? There, probably, there is probably the procedures? But do not call - somehow bad. What to say to her? How can I help you?

If a person himself thundered into the hospital - we usually have some idea about what to do:
  • Light version: Go out once with oranges
  • Hard version: buy medicines, donate blood, precipitate doctors

If your friend lies in the hospital with a child, then the oranges are most likely not needed (children are often allergies on them), and on the question "what you will answer", she will surely answer: "Yes, what can you help ...". If, of course, God forbid, do not give blood.

And this is not because it is fine and wonderful. And because to take and figure out where and what holes she is now, and which of these holes you technically could close, and most importantly, what you will not be ashamed to ask you ... She is now headed completely scored! Therefore, the Council is the first:

Specify her questions you need to answer yes or not


  1. Does she not need to bring it or take some document? From the polyclinic kids card? Her fluorography of adult clinic? Has her tests that she managed to pass, and the result is necessary to pick up legs? Maybe at work you need to take something from point and to point B, and all this hung?
  2. Do not need to drive her other child anywhere (children?) Dad at work, then in the hospital, and the music and drawing is usually a ps under the tail. Maybe walk on weekends somewhere in the zoo? And maybe, in general, to take away the grandmother into another city, or take a week to myself - anything happens.
  3. If there are homemade beasts, find out who remained responsible for them. Maybe she has a cat's cat for the third day one sits, fish unfampled and flowers are not politically.
  4. Do you need home, not hospital, but not purchased, food? For example, fresh chicken soup. And how is it regular? If you constantly - it makes sense to create a group and scatter cooking by day between all friends and relatives, and then it happens empty, then thick.
  5. Recompusing children in the hospital are terribly bored and free. Does the child need consumables - Plasticine, Lego, books, diapers? What is better to buy new or get home to her home for especially valuable?
  6. Do you need consumables to her yourself? Daily gaskets, usual micellek, lost in hurry charging? Small shampoo?
  7. Maybe pick up dirty, and the next day is brought clean and dry? Well, if Dad or Grandma do this. And if not?

Do not offer and disagree, even if she asks


one. Feed, drink and obstum the disadvantaged husband.

First, it is those husbands who are unable to take care of themselves in everyday life, most often begin in the absence of his wife rolling to whom it fell ("Sex - this is also a type of service. How not? Why did you like it yourself?")

Secondly, you still do everything wrong.

Thirdly, feminism does not make it necessary to treat a man as a homemade animal - it is offensive, and a reasonable creature itself will be worse.

2. Make her main work.

Once something to take or run something to sign something - it is possible. But it's a very risky enterprise to sit in full growth. Unless, in the most extreme case, when they live with the Date from this work and more from anything, and everything will collapse ... and it is better to try to negotiate somehow with customers and bosses about your girlfriend, as it should be released Hospital.

Because the work has no need to know that your friend is replaced.

Because you still do not do as it should.

And who will make your job at this time?

Posted by: Asya Mikheeva

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