# Sexproving. Interview with the creator of textbook for sex for adolescents


Runet for several days discussing money collection for sex textbook for adolescents (other writing - for children). Created and wants to publish Tatyana Nikonov tutorial, the author of the blog, in which you can find an answer to almost any choice associated with sex. Already in the first three hours, its project collected 150,000 rubles. Today the amount is already close to a million.


In parallel with the wave of laughter and perturbation, users of social networks, who liked the idea, began flashmob under Hesteg # was a secretly swell, in which they tell about their teenage misconceptions about sex.

We decided to take in Tatiana interviews, and at the same time illustrate it with revelations from Flashmob.

# Sexprotteen

I just didn't know that women would masturbate and, moreover, how. I knew the Word itself and thought it was something like that for men.

I also believed that with age a woman becomes needed "sex for health." In his youth, they say, somehow you survive, and then, if it is not, you will get sick and crazy - it's not necessary to pleasure, it simply should be.

Tatiana, you write a book for teens, and you have seen living teenagers, have you seen?

I am not a teacher, and in the framework of the law to communicate with children on such topics is difficult, and I observe it, and the book will be released with the marking "16+". However, I have familiar adults through which I handed over the questionnaires for their children of suitable age, and those filled them. Also, some of them agree to reflement the book before going out, maybe I could fix some places, incomprehensible teenagers. But personally, I am not familiar with these children and not directly contact.

# Sexprotteen

My girlfriends in adolescence, when we only talked about sex and did not do, tried to convince that if after sex 10 times in a row sneeze, it would not be pregnant. I always remember about it when someone begins to say that the semosperse does not need

How did the idea come to mind? After all, universally adults voiced the idea that teenagers there is nothing to teach, they ourselves who you want what you want will teach, look from ten years of porn on smartphones.

Well, first, porn is a bad source of education, it immediately shows that something is wrong with him. Secondly, I answer questions about users in my blog, and at some point it became clear that adults know very little, respectively, can not teach children. Studies again show that the semosperse helps to implement protection. At one time I did a zozh-project for the Ministry of Health, and my topic of health care is very interested.

# Sexprotteen

I thought a teenager that pleasure from sex is due to fluid exchange. Well, a man seems to be ejacked by a drug, and accordingly absorbs a member vaginal lubricant, which also experiences pleasant sensations. About condoms, too, did not immediately recognize, so that the slender picture did not violate anything.

And with what the situation is worse, with the ability to deal with anal sex or cunnilingus or with understanding the concept that it is possible that it is impossible, where the sex endures and rape begins?

With everything, because in the descriptions of anal sex too often floods violence, unfortunately. In general, the most often problems are reduced to violation of borders and difficulties in communication.

# Sexprotteen

I believed that from sex gradually and irretrievably vagina everything expands and expands. It was interesting whether it could somehow stop if refraining, for example, and what is the stock in general

Do not be afraid of mass attacks with charges in corruption of youth?

I am following five years a blog about sex! I heard almost everything, but this time I called on my head "Comrade Jugashvili with executions", this is something new.


# Sexprotteen

1. I thought it was very painful for the first time, and all those women's novels saying that they were not lying. It turned out, it was not painful, it was pleasantly surprised.

2. I thought the entrance to me is somewhat higher and we will be somewhat differently located relative to each other. So the first time I was also struck by geometry.

3. I thought "Doggi Style" is exclusively anal sex and, finding no, was generally in shock.

What is fundamentally new offers a manual compared with sites where sexual techniques are discussed? Their teenagers are quietly reading so.

I recently performed at an event with harmful advice, which can be given to teenagers, and they were asked me from the hall, why talk about it at all, there is "Kamasutra". But I do not think that sex is primarily about poses and technology. Sex is about how we live and what we want from life.

With adolescents, it is necessary to talk about how to give and recognize active consent and why it is necessary, how to determine the refusal how to be able to refuse how to make a refusal and not consider your desire to contact with another person the main thing in such a situation.

Before people begin to have sex, they need to know about the real risks of pregnancy, sex infections and HIV (and in the country already half of the cases of HIV spread - heterosexual sex), how to defend themselves, and why you have the right to insist on protection. And you still have to talk about whether we need a relationship in general, what we want from them and why we get. Description of the technician on these important issues of answers does not give.

# Sexprotteen

It was very boring in this part of the child, reread everything to reach everything, knew about contraception and illness.

But still managed to be sure to be sure that heterosex is penis invests between large sexual lips (as a sausage in hot dog) and rub. The idea that is supposed to be "in a living person poke", I was pretty terrible

Now among feminists there are two opposite opinions on the connection of sex and relationships. Some proclaim sex as a mechanical pleasure, in the spirit of the sexual revolution of the twentieth century. Others say that admission to their genitals is such a deep violation of personal borders, which without an emotional connection to do it is dangerous for the psychological state of the woman, and consider sex only as a kind of relationship (or aspect of variety). How do you look at both glances?

Feminists are all different, looks too, and more them than the two approaches described. I am an intersaging feminist itself, and I think that sex is different, because women are all different, they have different needs, and even wishes are different in different periods of life. For example, immediately after a divorce or painful parting, a woman can want sex and entertainment, but it is not ready for any serious relationship, and there has no real emotional relationship with partners. But when the relationship with someone will be trapped, sex and for her, and for her partner / partners can turn into a tool to strengthen intimacy and intimacy, and not only in pleasure, so the attitude towards sex is rebuilt and felt like something that no sense of meaning is not It has. And this is if both are in a pair of monogamous, of course. If the pair is not monoga, there may be other options.

In addition, on the state of women, her life experience is very affected (whether violence was in her life? How did the attitude towards men and his own body changed after that?), Stress levels (I don't want it just "on the handles", and get it from the current Partner is possible only in the form of sex?), Received sexual education (does she think that something should it think? And she? And what exactly?) - Well, and so on. People are difficult and varied.

# Sexprotteen

The collection of my teenage delusions - until I saw a member live, was sure that he was arranged as drawings on the fence. As the letter F: the testicles on the sides and hard there are fixed - for a long time she believed that sex is engaged only in a missionary position - about orgasm did not know anything at all. It did not imagine that there is such a thing in nature, until he experienced. (Imagine my shock, yes !?). I thought that people simply have sex, and then they get tired and fall asleep. - I learned about the STPP later than wearing sex. That is, there were something about AIDS around something, but I somehow didn't touch it with reality. - I don't remember when I learned about the clitoris ...

And all these nuances will be considered in the book?

To such a degree of detail, it is hardly - adolescents are more clarified that complex feelings are, it is inevitable, it is possible to cope with them in such ways, and it is better to avoid such that, since they lead to such consequences. Even before the start of sexual life, it is worth knowing how everything actually happens - for example, the mechanism of sexual desire includes not only the excitement, but also inhibition, and in different situations, any of these functions can take the top, so it can even be predicted.

If you know yourself, to know how mental and corporal processes are arranged, it becomes much less unpleasant moments, bewilderment, indignation by own "deflectivity" (imaginary, of course), weakened the pressure of social standards, it becomes more difficult to manipulate, well, and so on. This also applies boys and girls.

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