How to live with a soldier who does not know the words of love


Life from the Queen of the drama of any floor is not easy, but also on another pole there are its difficulties. A little-member iceberg in the ocean can also be pretty nervous, even if he is actually a beautiful man.

But those in whom they are drowning and bouffacent passions, you always want to take such a samurai for a shaking and a pretty shake, until some emotions fall out of it. And in vain. For the sake of peace and peace in the family, you need to study with a partner, which rarely exhibits feelings.

Do not knock out emotions with legs

It is also effectively how to demand from you to be less sensitive - watch "Hachiko" with a stone face and slightly pull the corner of the mouth when the dream of all your life is coming. You can't? So he will not be able. Temperament is a congenital business. Children's installations - acquired, but firmly glued with our character. Maximum what you will achieve - imitation of feelings, if a partner has acting skills, and growing irritation from what he has to pretend.


Yes, some people need a special invitation to express everything that is in the soul. Moreover, formal, with signature and printing. This is often characteristic of those who died in childhood for any outbreak. Installations "Calm down", "not ORI" and "behave decently" entering us tightly. A person grows with the feeling that his feelings are a source of discomfort for others. Clearing these ruins should psychotherapist, and your task is to create a safe setting for a partner, so directly ask what he feels and what is him.

Remember that this has a reason

A special warehouse of character or eternally annoyed by a child Mom - he slammed like a oyster, and it has a reason. It is not specifically called you walking with a face brick.

Do not confuse emotions and their demonstration

If a person does not show feelings - this does not mean that he does not have them and you can kick him in every way. He does not feel worse than you, and each kick increases internal tension. Sooner or later, the boiler can and swept.

Remember that feelings can be displayed in different ways.

You're accustomed to express all words through the mouth, but this is only one way of a set. If you shout and complain, he can be removed from the harassment to another room. If you rush on the neck, then he buys gifts with the same goals. You kick the furniture, and he squeezes the jaw. In the "Taming of the Shrew", she dropped the voltage, rolling out Italian scandals, and it was smoothly for the same firewood.

Watch your reactions

In a pair, someone always sets the tone, and someone is adjusted. In your case, you give the will of emotions, and he, for the sake of balance, is forced to keep cold-blooded when you tear and rush, laugh, wander your hands and generally lose self-control. But someone must remain when memory. Look at myself - maybe the explosions of your character occupy so much place that nothing remains on his feelings?

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