If violences were told the same way as with their victims. What would they hear?


It would be strange if people in a talk show and on the streets covered opposite questions of the criminal, and not his sacrifice. What would happen then? We tried to imagine, but only, no matter how they were twisted, the same questions to violence, which is not often not ironic. But rather logical.


If violences were told the same way as with their victims. What would they hear? 37315_2

If violences were told the same way as with their victims. What would they hear? 37315_3



If violences were told the same way as with their victims. What would they hear? 37315_6


If violences were told the same way as with their victims. What would they hear? 37315_8


If violences were told the same way as with their victims. What would they hear? 37315_10

If violences were told the same way as with their victims. What would they hear? 37315_11

If violences were told the same way as with their victims. What would they hear? 37315_12

If violences were told the same way as with their victims. What would they hear? 37315_13


If violences were told the same way as with their victims. What would they hear? 37315_15

If violences were told the same way as with their victims. What would they hear? 37315_16


Observation of readers PICS.ru.

On the illustrations of the tasks of people used photos from Shutterstock

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