10 things that can not be done on the first date



Michelle Lewis is an expert on dates and coach for those who "wishes to meet". She interviewed hundreds of their customers and led the 10 commandments of the right date. Tested by practice!

Not really try to please

The biggest mistake that people perform on the first date is an inexperienced rushing about themselves, cool. Not in egoism, it's just a very hard to make an impression, posing on the table all the trumps. The drama, a circle in the photo, a diploma of Moscow State University and the Miss Bikini 2015 Cup. Excellent, well done, but we usually seem interesting people who are interested in us, and not a list of their achievements.

Do not confess that his account last


All do it. Just do not confess this. Facebook? Hear it for the first time. No, I have no idea that you have two brothers and sisters, motorcycle and chihuahua. I'm generally uninteresting, who is this brown in the photo of April 12.

This is a date, not an interview

Even if you dream that it becomes your last first date in your life. But you do not need to give a person to understand how much you are interested in this position. That is, the novel. Do not get up and on the opposite direction, shelling the poor guy questions about income and plans for the future. We are just nice to spend time here, and that's it. Relax.

Let him pay


This is not a villa in Mallorca, it is just coffee with a bun. Such a consumption does not break the breach in the budget and will not prove your independence, independence or what you want to prove there. Do not write to pay the bill yourself and not too much thanks if he pays him himself.

Recognize what is nervous

Because if you are not nervous on the first date, you are not a man, but tea mushroom. Do not try to overcome nervousness, just recognize it and keep it in my head that the second party is also not completely calm. And so as not to fade things, do not attempt serious conversations.

Pei in the measure


From nervousness you can easily stick together like a shoemaker. Think about it when you order the seventeenth clock. A date ended with an embrace with the toilet is, if neither twist, failure. Although after such excellent love stories happen. But the chances are already much lower.


Take away a little from ourselves and listen that a person says and what he does. Usually we are so focused on the fact that you do not get on, which I generally ignore the second side. And ask "So where do you work?" After half an hour he poured out the nightingale about his office.

Politics - not sex


Politicians, we will be frank, and so much is pressed. Do not allow them to be pressed at the same time and your date. Otherwise, what began like a pleasant evening, it can end the fight on the Crimean issue.

And sex is not sex

Well, not on the first date, by God. That is, you have sex - please, why not. But to talk about how dull in the bed was your ex and inventive - his predecessor, still not worth it.

Do not give controversial signals


The first date is because, in fact, an attempt to find an answer to the question: "Do you like me?". And if he is not the coat, it is not necessary to sweeten the pill with hot glances over the glass and passionate kisses at the entrance. What is the point in this, if tomorrow you still say that it is busy and nothing will work.

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