10 types of readers pix in gifs


There is nothing on this light that we would not have been able to classify, and anyone we would have managed to calculate like that goat from the cartoon. Today we decided to do it with our readers!


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Like everything, in a good mood comes even from a complex scientific article on chronic disease. The authors that compose ten signs of all and twenty funny SMS, this reader just adore.

This is your positive, come to the next delight. And we for you too.


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It seems to him that such no one can write himself, only to pull. What if the whole Internet has stealing someone, then somewhere there is one of someone who composes originals, he does not come to mind. Therefore, quickly finds, who saw exactly the same, just not 30, and 50, not photographs, but comics, not meditative, but beautiful.

It is you, our suspicious, find ten differences. And no, do not find.

Not like that

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Whatever we write, he must and fundamentally, everything is not the case, which means that everyone is not. And even if everyone has the same, then all the same we are fools and did not have to write this nonsense, because he is not so. And it does not matter how, in fact. All the taste exactly is to be fundamentally the opposite. And thank God that he is! And then who would blow us on the joy of discussion? Yes, and generally expanding our horizons.

This is you a tackle. So that we do not relax.

Eater letter

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The longer the article, the better for him. Nuances, details, details, more of them, please! When leaves comments, they are even longer and more. In order to go to all the little things, I do not miss any, for him there is a sex. For the authors of Longrides and articles with evening reading, we admit, too!

This you bring us a thoughtfulness ... Be a thoughtfulness ... Please ... Oh, yes! To ecstasy.

Reader Zaglovkov

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Further header and, maybe, the Lida article never comes, argue or agrees with them. Since we love jokes and paradoxes, as a result, it gets to see, but it is rarely able to notice it.

This we look like you are in a hurry to battle. And the enemy did not appear.

Silent fan

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A little bit like a maniac from the movies. Laika and Sherit. We love him, but really would like to know what he loves us. And what is his plans in this regard. And then the movies teach us to assume only the worst.

It is you, our mysterious, give us attention from your shelter.


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If there is no emoticon or directly written "this is a joke", it does not gues it, that we are stern, ironizing, we express sarcastically or undergo. Therefore, or offended, or will tell you what we are wrong. But he has the advantages: as a rule, if we still come up and tell us separately what it was, it's nice smiling and says, they say, then ridiculous, yes. And I could get to the bottle, because many people do not like to make mistakes.

It is you, unstashes our, make the whole pix look at the text with new eyes.

Beta tester

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Reads carefully, indicates errors, typosity and actual inconsistencies. In principle, everyone is satisfied, especially because it is thank and make corrections. And all the more satisfied, to whom will not like to avoid public shame!

This is you, our attentive, hurry to help.

Amateur wonder

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This comments from the leg and immediately exposes the authors as idiots and non-professionals, in contrast, by the way, from him. It speaks assertive, rudely, aggressively, manifestation. Loves that Banili for the truth-uterus: immediately feels like the shine of the Nimba of the True Pravdauba is updated.

This is you, delegate our, show yourself in all the glory of primitive rudeness.


Enters Pixes only to pull the text-other. Or a couple of original SMS stories. In extreme cases, rewrites each central article of the day in turn.

And this is not you, but we do not mind seeing you in this position.

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