Why are you still not a great writer: the secrets of the profession



You have long already feel the writer potential, and your literary abilities praised at school when you read your fekelon in the wall newspaper and writing on a free topic. But it is not possible to realize your talent. Recording in social networks is elegant to do - here, and write a novel or at least the story does not work.

How, fucking, people with the writer becomes writers? We are on purpose for you designed all the main secrets of the profession.


Almost all writers in their autobiographies or literary skill benefits indicate how the special, separate desktop was important to them. Of course, many had periods when it had to turn empty boxes, window sills, kitchen tables and tables in a cafe. But at the first opportunity, the writer acquired the desktop.

There are two features of such a table. First, they do not do anything except whether they write (the exception can be for the table with a computer - for such a still communicate on the Internet, for example) and, maybe drink tea, coffee and strong drinks in the process. Secondly, when the domestic see you at this table, even just sitting, they do not touch you in the saint and very strong lead. For a table with a computer, you can enter the checkbox: when the checkbox is on the monitor, the table is considered to be workers.

So Stephen King works, so worked Agata Christie (even when she did not have a separate office and the table, she sat down in the storage room, and nobody had to go there at such moments of right). Marina Tsvetaeva, every morning, who was approaching his daughter, to the table, as a work machine, even devoted to ORD to this subject of furniture - without a desktop it would not be such a fruitful poetess.

It is necessary to bring the sacrifice


And bring it forever. Of course, Stephen King says that it is worth putting the desktop in a modest corner to always remember that life does not turn around the writer, but ... it is impossible for writing, it is impossible to deal between the case. So you have to allocate time and place. So, you have to donate something to carve them. Maybe some long-time, but recently is no longer so exciting hobbies. Maybe the regularity of the guidance of order in the house. Maybe hiking in cafe or cinema, complex dinners from three dishes, manicure, checking lessons in children. Do not donate only sleep. Lack of sleep does not interfere with the work only at first. Or when you are very, very young.

As you guessed to bring a sacrifice, you need to have a number of assistant, a person who will support you will take a victim as properly or take part of what has so far been kept on you. That is why the famous writers say: if the writer is a man, the presence of a spouse on the hand, then the writer's husband is often a hindrance. It does not want to wash the dishes while you are busy with a masterpiece, but wants to wander around, whining and rooted. Or just to sabotage the need for help. It is known that, the husband of Tsvetaeva in emigration, by a member of the expression of a familiar family, was not in a hurry to free the poetess from the kitchen slavery. As a result, life and lack of a permanent workplace greatly influenced its productivity. She complained that it would not work, there was neither the time nor the place to focus.

Continuity of the process

All writers note that if you wait for inspiration and lean from work, you miss all the opportunity inspiration to catch. Therefore, they highlighted a special time for writing and stubbornly sit at this time to the desktop. Optionally every day: You can once or two a week on certain days. But every week is obligatory.

Do not write anything? Open the file or put a white sheet and look at it. Think of the plot, or about images, or about the atmosphere, and not about the very process of writing. Represent the lines that appear on this sheet - without details, just a line of black letters, gradually covering the page. Try writing a piece out of the end or a start, a random dialogue between characters - such, maybe that does not enter the book, because it happened out of the plot. In general, write, do not stop. Appetite comes while eating, and Muse arrives on the smell of working writer sweat.

Read more, repeat less


All successful writers began like winding readers, and continue to read a lot. Exceptions are not known. King claims that a person who has no time to read a good book, there is no time to book and write. We will add: you need to read a lot of good literature and ... pretty bad, but popular, too. To see what has already been taught and how exactly it is concluded. To be able to start to distinguish the primitivistic, naibist, deliberately corey style from simple inability to write. In order not to reinvent bikes, nor bad, nor good, but go further.

Re-read the classics as if nothing heard about her at school. Read modern bonus books. Read especially a lot to your chosen genre, because it is for these rakes that you have to go. Read-read-read. Unlike writing, in the end, it can be done on the way to work and from work. In the bathroom and in the toilet. In a cosmetic salon with some procedures. In general, time and place here is not a big problem.

The most important danger: Drinking by another author, voluntarily or unwittingly begin to imitate him. Some imitationity, of course, is peculiar to all writers at the beginning of the creative path, but it is easy to become the most ordinary epigor. No matter how you cling to the receptions, images and individual scenes, do not bring them into your work ... well, if you are not going to make a "quoting" or "allyusy". That's just what? Do you know exactly?

Keep battery charged

So you can write, you should have enough "extra" strength in stock, and the influx of new impressions and knowledge should be constant. Isolation - in Chulana or on the shore of the lake - are good in order to spend existing forces and recycle accumulated thoughts and feelings into the text. In the intervals insulation, the writer is only in harm. Constant fatigue, long underwear, malnutrition - too. Including, therefore, most writers are not similar to Hermists-Asketov. And you do not need to get up in a pathetic position and tell us how it is harmful to chase pleasure and how easy it is possible because of epicrase and not become a writer. There are, you know, different intermediate stages between these two extremes.

Be stubborn


Without this, nothing will come, says Neil Geima. Becoming ideas to the end. If you have a lot of them right, write down everything, postpone for the future, over one work right now. And finalize. A great story would come out, but right now you will not pull the story? Write a story. Many of their story Cyrus Boylchev first wrote in the form of stories. You must get used to bring the case to the end, maybe not very good first. Otherwise, you have a completely different habit - to invent infinitely, leave for the future and never implement. Fantasy holiday that is not related to being a writer.

Write hot, right on the cold

In all manuals, it is advisable to edit the text, and here by writing the second paragraph, you notice the stylistic flashes in the first and hurry to correct. But, while I fixed, I lost the thought and excitement to continue.

So, edit the text you need with the mind. If you have already fledged, thought flies, the keyboard clasters - do not stop. Score on errors, typos and blunders. Decoil the idea. And then ... take and postpone the text on the day-another. Or for a week. Or to creative plug. Then you will return and fix everything. Otherwise, you risk bogging in the editors of the first chapter, and without swinging on writing the entire book.

Bring a diary of observation

The blog is suitable, but then it can become a source of inspiration and textures for other people. You do not have to try to watch people, animals, the city specifically. Sign up what hooked the eye, "jumped into the ear" and still remember by the time you took out the working notebook or reached the computer. Record unexpected ideas and images that have come to mind. Fix monitoring your own misses in writing a book, generally behind the writing process. We have something like a reader diary - what I read than it hooked or, on the contrary, it pushed out that the book was lucky or the author's failure. You can do all this chaotically, without a schedule, without extracting essays in the school spirit. The main thing is just as often as possible. Everything will be useful. Truth.

Bad stamps, good stamps

Everything is just interpreted how important it is to avoid stamps. However, genre literature on stamps holds. The question is how you work with them. Do not repeat all the techniques of the genre of blindly, play with them.

But really terrible stamps, whom the writer should avoid - this is a speech cliché. And even a calabura around a speech cliché has long been seamy stamp. Do not abuse.

watch your language


How many verb time in Russian? Three? Sit down, two. The writer needs to finely feel the language. Why was there a dimensional suffix here, what did he give the text? What is the difference between "groan", "came", "came" and "came"? Why assessment adjectives do not work, but a simple mention of color - not even a ton-tone shade! - Maybe suddenly shoot and hook? Feeling language very well helps reading good literature - see one of the items above.

Be a little greedy

Do not fall out on the reader everything that I wanted to say, at the same time, do not break in his direction on the full water of your wit, always a little uncompaired - let me think. A little, we said.

And finally, learn, learn and learn

Do not be afraid, your muse will not fly away from what you read a couple of dozen manuals, you can't understand something from them, you will not agree with something ... But something and successfully take on weapons. What one writer had no odds, tells another. What did not take into account writers, will specify the editor.

Well - dare. No one will start this way for you!

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