Real superheroid XX century. Women whose feats should be remembered


In comics and cinema is not so much superheroid. Only a wonder-woman (Wonderwoman) and Queen of Warriors Xena is remembered. Therefore, we will not write about them today, but you will write about real women. They did not have super superconductors, but they committed superevigi.

Well, well, some super supervisors were.

Valentina Tereshkova


Now, after half a century, the flight of Tereshkova is perceived by the vigorous, in general terms: they took some kind of cute girl, they launched into space, she chatted there, and that's it.

In fact, to become an earthly orbit closer to the stars, Valentine has passed a harsh selection, laid out in preparation for full. Unlike men, future cosmonauts were looking for not among the pilots, but among parachuters. Women after the war to control the aircraft for a long time forbidden, and the military flyers did not fit in age. As a result of the casting, five most sporty, hardy, psychologically sustainable girls were selected. Becoming future cosmonauts, girls automatically found themselves in the ranks of the Soviet army in the rank of ordinary.

In addition to physical training, the girls should have been learning, which would allow them not only to control the spacecraft, but also, if necessary, to recognize and repair small breakdowns. Initially it was assumed that two female crew would fly, but then the plan refused. Now only one of the candidates could reach the finish. The winner was Valentine. Since in fact, all five girls were equally good and in study, and in trials, ultimately the choice made on the biography: Valentina was from the working family, his father died to Finnish war.

The flight lasted three days. Since the technical support of life was designed not very well, all three days Tereshkova had to spend in the diaper. Already in flight it turned out that the cosmonaut does not cope with the manual orienteering of the ship; Later it turned out that the control wires were mounted incorrectly, "Mirror". Fortunately, with automatic control, everything was in order. I felt in real uncomfortable Valentine no matter, it even once broke out, but I performed the main tasks: led the logbook, made photos, which were then used to detect aerosol layers in the atmosphere.

On earth it turned out that Tereshkova could not stand on his feet not 10-12 days, like cosmonauts men, and about a month: no calcium was restored, the bones were too fragile, did not hold the body weight. Any wound bleeding is bleeded. These consequences led Soviet scientists to horror, they decided: a woman cannot be in space. Until 1982, Soviet women did not fly more into space.

As for other candidates, they were not ready to abandon the chance on the feat. Cosmos now was closed, so the feats had to do on Earth. Irina Solovyova and Tatiana Kuznetsov became part of the legendary female polar team of skiing "Metelitsa" as a psychologist and a doctor and made a number of travel on skiing near the Poles of the Earth, including the drifting ice to the North Pole.

Hedi Lamarr


The father of the popular Austrian actress was a Jew from Lviv, the mother is also a Jew, but from Budapest. It is unlikely that the banker and the pianist would approve the daughter to film, so Hedget Kisler just left the house at the age of 16. He entered the theatrical school in his native Vienna for her, began to try on roles in the cinema and very quickly received one.

Stayed long on the second roles was Hedi not in nature, so in 19 years she went to risk, after which her star had to flare or roll away from Shame forever. She starred in the film "Ecstasy", where the female orgasm portrayed and bathed with Nagishol about 10 minutes. The scandal came out incredible, but it was the role in Ecstasy provided Hedwig, firstly, a profitable marriage - with a millionaire Fritz Mandall, secondly, the future career in Hollywood. Beautiful, daring, artistic, one would have enough to enter the story.

The marriage turned out to be an unsuccessful, millionaire - Tiran and the accompaniment of the Nazis, and after four years of marriage, Hedi literally escaped from the castle of her husband, squeezing the sleeping bag. On a ship "Normandy" she got to the United States, where he immediately received a contract in Hollywood and took the pseudonym "Lamarr". The fees actresses were just stunning, but it was in the USA that it turned out that the cinema was not the only thing that the scandalous beauty is suitable.

To war and first repression, and then the genocide of the Austrian Jews, initiated by the Third Reich, Hedget, of course, could not remain indifferent. After the news about how the Germans flooded the evacuation ship with children, Hedi only thought how to replay German submarines. In 1942, Hedigue in collaboration with composer George Antele patented the system of "jumping heights". The use of this technology was widely: from remote control of torpedoes to a complex communication encryption at all. She undoubtedly gave a serious advantage in the war. Unfortunately, the invention was much ahead of his time. The US government admitted that he could not realize it.

Nevertheless, now we use the invention of Hedwig constantly, every day. After all, it underlies and mobile communications, and WiFi. And a good connection saved a lot of people in life-threatening situation. The US Army also helped in the forties, using their popularity to collect $ 7,000,000 for the needs of the army.

In Austria and Germany, the birthday of Hedwig Kisler, known as Hedi Lamarr, is noted as the day of the inventor.

Magdalen Pokrovskaya and Gertruda Elaion


These two women almost perfectly coincide with the archetype of the ingenious and slightly insane scientist who want to save the world. Some of some misfortunes they saved.

Soviet scientist, bacteriologist Magdalene Pokrovskaya fought with two very unpleasant diseases - Tularemia and Chuma. That and the other have a bubonic form, the other is easy to get infected from the brothers of our smaller: Tularemia from the bunnies, Chuma - from rats. Now the other is treated with antibiotics, and then it was scary to get sick. Pokrovskaya was so obsessed with his work, which in 1942 returned to Stavropol right before the delivery of the city with fascist troops to pick up the materials for the development of antiteria vaccine from his laboratory.

By the time she has already developed a vaccine against the plague. Live - that is, not on the basis of dead chopsticks. Tested the Pokrovskaya vaccine on himself. If her calculations were incorrect, she would die of plague. For the next 13 years, the developed Pokrovskaya vaccine was the only thing that protected humanity from this terrible disease.

Gertruda Elaion, whose parents were immigrants from the Russian Empire, was obsessed with the idea of ​​defeating cancer. From cancer, her favorite grandfather died. All his life, Elaion dedicated to the search for the medicine, refusing to get the family and from the hobby ... and did not find it. Belruda's faithful companion was obsessed with the same idea George Hitchings. It is with him with him with one researcher, Scottish James Blake, Gertrude developed a fundamentally new type of drugs: respond to "molecular targets", that is, only on substances in the virus or human patients. This discovery has become such a huge step forward that researchers received the Nobel Prize for him. Thanks to the opening of Gertruda and her associates, many new and very effective drugs have appeared, in addition to those who have developed and she herself.

Greta Garbo and Zoya Resurrection


It would seem that it could unite the European moviemers and the Soviet Children's writer? Except, of course, the epoch. Both were scouts, both acted in Scandinavian countries and both fought with the Nazis.

Zoya Voskresenskaya was considered one of the most important analysts of Soviet intelligence, information was flashed as important and in such a volume that the failure of Voskresenski would be a serious failure of the work of Soviet intelligence at all. It is thanks to the work of the Voskresensk couple with diplomacy, Kollondtai Finland took a union with fascist Germany in 1944 and signed a truce from the USSR.

Partially and very veiled resurrection wrote about his work during the war years in the children's book "Girl in the Stormy Sea".

Greta Garbo - the real name of which was Gretis Gustafsson, also followed the actions of the Germans in the Scandinavian countries and managed to disrupt the work on creating an atomic bomb at one of the controlled Nationals of Norway factories. For the sake of work in intelligence, as it is believed, she threw the film at the time of war. Greta was a Swede, and its Scandinavian communications and knowledge of the Swedish were necessary allies.

History Garbo became known only after the archives of Swedish military intelligence were declassified.

Interestingly, Garbo played spy to the cinema twice, in the films "Mata Hari" and "Ninocheka".

Marina Svalova and "Night Witches"


Marina was born in the family of a opera singer and school teacher, herself studied at the Moscow Conservatory. Not a very heroic beginning of the biography. However, the war showed that there is a place for heroism and the owners of the most ordinary biographies.

The pilot Marina became even thirties. I felt that it was her. She graduated from the Leningrad Institute of Civil Air Fleet Engineers, became navigator, then graduated from the pilot school and began to work as an instructor of future pilots in the Air Academy. At the very end of the thirties participated in establishing all the records of flight flights. During the Moscow-Vladivostok futsal flight, something went wrong, and the crew received an order to jump with a parachute. Jumped. Landed in a taiga with two chocolate tiles in his pocket. She was found in 10 days, living and even relatively vigorous. (We always knew that chocolate was a great deal!)

In 1938, Svalkova received the title of Hero of the Soviet Union and was called into the ranks of the Red Army. By the time she was already a year as an employee of the NKVD. The last couple with merit and fame helped her at the beginning of the war, when she began to seek the formation of female flying bodies. Thus appeared three female airlocks, one of which became known as the 46th Guards, or under the nickname, these enemies from fear - "Night Witches".

In principle, each of the 46th Guard is suitable for the role of superheroid. On her miserable "corn" they did the impossible, incredible, squeezing more than it seemed, was generally laid in these aircraft. From here, perhaps, the nickname seemed to be without witchcraft to become such dangerous girls on plywood airplanes could not.

The shelter itself crashed in forty-third, she was thirty years old. And the regiment lived to forty-fifth, helped liberate Belarus and Poland, fought in East Prussia.

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