20 types of moms in your Fredlent (in gifs)


Who is the most active Internet user, his king (in the sense of the queen) and the goddess? Mum! And we know their views. Okay, our species.


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Tags Zainki Star, plafhmy and sideways, in a hat, with a bow and in a cute pajama striped. And also separately cute ears, sweet legs and touching cilia. In general, the tolerant attacks of adorations, if only the mother does not enter the territory of Art House, capturing landscapes from cereals and the process of teaching the pot.


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Child in the background. On the front - its developed presses cubes. Or grained quadries, as well as a five-liter banking bank, new crossings and a pink sports bag. Everyone is good until I'll post the motivators in the Spirit: "I have three children and here's a tacine biceps, and you are a fat cow."

Mom is better than you

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It seems she came to the Internet specifically to pursue you. Whatever you wrote about your child, she will come and tell that she is better. More organic mashed potatoes, more educational toys, dad more caring ... Sometimes you want to lie, that your child goes to five different circles and sections, just to see how she starts to upload that her child time time to visit one group more.

Mom in nature

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Her children kiss frogs and spit barefoot on wet grass while she collects fresh strawberries from bed and knits sweater from wool with her own sheep. Despite serious suspicions that for this beautiful life, she spares as a medieval peasant, you from time to time green from envy and think - and not to buy a living chicken to children.

Mom report

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It is not entirely clear how she has time to do everything what he writes about, because on such a number of posts and should leave all her time. What ate, as they were preparing (step-by-step photos), what they played, what we were put on, what were walking, about what a plaster was stuck ... sometimes it seems that you know about your family's life more than your family.

Mom contestant

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She participates in the marathon of femininity, the competition of the best reviews for the Multicooker, asks to deliver the hat in the daughter or poems of the son, began a month of racking an apartment and sincerely hoped to win a pearl necklace, for which the 50 reposts should collect his photographs. The final blow to your sociophobia is a couple-triple messages about charity sent right in PM.


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It is difficult to understand what he does and how he lives, because his experiences expresses exclusively positive posters. In the morning, the field of dandelions and quotation from Coelho. At lunch, anecdote and the Ranevskaya profile. For the night - something about the need to go its way on a purple background. By the way, maybe this is not a mother, maybe this man writes, spy, encrypts to headquarters sends.

Mom - Profloteger

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Not a single post in simplicity. Jumping children in Instagram - setting, advertising clothing store. Hike to Museum - Press Tour for Mom Bloggers. The story about toys automatically turns into an overview of online stores. You chat in the comments and you think, probably, you have already considered you, and brought to the report for the advertiser.

Mom - Wings.

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First, fights with the hospital for a humane treatment of pregnant women, then with the management company for installing a ramp, then, respectively, transfers the front of the struggle in kindergarten, school and so on. With a new child, history is repeated, and no comedy. Sometimes primoses the baby to the sling and goes a walk. On the rally.

Mom - catastrophe

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She explodes the pans, the cats fly, falls from the ceiling chandelier by 12 light bulbs, breaking the service for 24 persons. She suits the Flood in Ashan, her children know in the face in the injury, and cats in the vetclinite. And behind it, commentators are running with serious crackers and terribly condemned her for dares to laugh at all this.

Mom against west

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Cartoons should be Soviet, toys should be wooden. The tablet leads to degradation, and this montessori invented the bourgeois, which there is nothing to do. With a special suspicion refers to the Scandinavian countries, so that the invariable clip ABBA may threate you with a dispute over the juvenile justice of the FDA pages for five.

Mom against men

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Any discussion in her blog or simply with her participation strangely turns on male insolvency. From time to time, under the next repost of the article in the Spirit "Once again about gender equality", an unprepared peasant will raise and quickly flies over the whistle and the ululyukania her girlfriends. Oddly enough, married, with children and even boils sometimes borsch.

Mom for men

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As if there would be to balance number 12. In the morning I am pleased with the "boys" photo of your neckline. The day is divided by an article about the critical role of the father in the family. In the evening, an hungry office plankton Remains Ossebuko. For any questions about raising children in terms of "how to make not strain dad".

Mama Progressor

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A dram-circle, a circle in the photo, and at home on the wall system from folders with creative and developing classes, distributed by day of week. She makes beautiful selections of training sites and games, and you already understood that you don't have to try to repeat it at home on your child - nothing will come - just read and enjoy the knowledge that somewhere in the world is growing a new superman.

Echidna Mother.

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Challenges conventions. Walks off the child without a hat in winter and without panama in the summer. It gives sand in the sandbox, lick the floor in the mall and climb onto the slide alone. I forgot to go to the clinic, but was already with a baby at the rock festival. I called the enemies the baby in the photo Poped, ruddy and with pleasure eating a cat.

Mama Kangaroo

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Its child is difficult to see separately from it. He sleeps in her bed, eats from her plates, walking in her arms, plays her beads and, of course, feeds his chest at any time and anywhere. In general, Mama-kangaroo is a harmless man, only very nervous. It is terribly worried when he reads stories about separation from children and thoroughly reacts to everything similar to the Council on the Baby Department.


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Always on the ears in work and therefore I am sure that something is not like a child. As a result, he gets everything that the juvenile comes to mind to ask. This is usually a tablet, a prefix, lunch in McDake and Kinder Surprise. At the weekend, mom is trying to reduce children in three places immediately. In her notes of children, the words "suddenly" are often found, "suddenly" and "it turns out, she is already able!" Of the unpleasant habits - love for the advice starting with "Yes, you just buy."

Mom Fif.

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Oddly enough, the boy's mom also happens. Boys can also be adjusted, in the costumes. With them, you can also be the most well-keeled mom at the playground, in the parent committee and in Mega. Constantly suits the children of the photo session and carries the aesthetics and cosmetology news into the world. A little embarrassing then showing your photos, but there is hope that she will condemn them under the castle.

Mama Martyrs

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Childfries refer to her blog when they are looking for arguments against maternity. Another when she told about pregnancy, many readers changed their mind to start a family. Birth destroyed her body (a detailed report), children destroy apartment, marriage and social ties. Photos are attached: tlen.jpg, bezyshodnost43.jpg. And somehow already for the fifth year it stretches, but for some reason alive and even rest in Tenerife.

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