Generalists of office wars, and other opponents of your career



In crisis times above the heads of white collar hangs a huge inexorable Dryn abbreviations. A wonderful office with glass windows in the floor is often originally a cloaca, and in crisis times, multiplied by the lack of sleep and the disgusting climate of the middle strip, there, every second is ready to break out a slaughter with a segless rule "Captive Captive".

Of course, wise psychologists in the case of office war strongly recommend that you keep the full neutrality, do not climb on the embrasure, do not lift my head, but it is better to overtake yourself a monthly business trip to the rear (extraordinary vacation). But psychologists - people are categorically distant from office strokes. And in general - they are theorists. And in practice, FIG on the broken office war is evolving. Therefore, in what kind of title you are mobilized from under Stepplera, you need a tactic.

So, if you:


And heading one two main parties to the conflict. That is, the latter began with you. This is bad. But we always have time to behave for the inability to find a compromise - now the main thing is not to fold the head on the battlefield. The main task is to collect around themselves the team of like-minded people who are ready for you at least into the fire, even in water, and the women are still attached. The main problem is that to assemble the army of faithful supporters - the task of the archus luster and requires not only bright charisma, but also the non-Ravy diplomatic talent. And the latter would have to help you evade the conflict initially ... Psychologist, away from my head!

What to fear?

Betrayal and (or) incompetence of associates.

How to protect yourself?

No one believes and work perfectly. The enemy never sleeps!

Adjutant His Excellency


You are a trustee of one of the parties to the conflict. You are not necessarily taking advantage of the right thing. Just one of the parties is yours, for example, a close friend, and you become an adjutant unwittingly. From now on, in your duties, it includes carefully listen to the inferior reports and in the thesis form to report to the general. And also to give the people what, according to the general, the people should know.

What to fear?

Deletions in saboteurs.

How to protect yourself?

Remind the general about the need to sign a peace agreement.



Performs tactical tasks for which the allies itself forms. For example, having received an order "to find facts proving that Masha Ivanova is a goat," organizes secretaries for wiretapping a machine phone and sysadmins to read the Skype machine.

What to fear?

What is skillfully manipulate, shifting on your shoulders all dirty work.

How to protect yourself?

Have guarantees in the form of printouts including Skype Customer.



Included in confidence in Masha Ivanova. The smoking is reincarnated in a big ear.

Report directly to General, bypassing the adjutant. Very useful animal.

What to fear?

Doodle, of course. The scandal will be the same. The stigma of the traitor will not be mounted forever, and your general will not even move to exchange you at the scout from the Masser. Your general will donate from you at all.

How to protect yourself?

Feed flu and demobilize. Dyatlov do not respect even those who ask them to knock.



A single who works for the idea. Sometimes decides the outcome of war. Often - at the cost of your own life.

What to fear?

Put the bosses on the table (what is standing above the generals) a memorandum testifying that Masha Ivanova is a goat, you can. The bosses even consider it. And at the same time ruins the performer. In order not to port the corporate climate.

In war, no one, including the saboteurs itself, does not hope that the latter will return with the task alive.

How to protect yourself?

It is extremely critical to refer to the version that only one side is to blame.



As a rule, newcomers come to this category, which in a new place have not yet had time to be mastered, look around and sort out the situation. Therefore, they are easily sent to the forefront in the role of cannon meat.

What to fear?

Ridiculous death (that is, the care is even before the end of the trial period).

How to protect yourself?

To poke to all a certificate about your military unfortunate (that is, it is innocent to clap your eyes and mumble that you urgently need to call the next customer).

Medical Science

The service is that its own point of view does not have and wipe tears to both parties in turn.

What to fear?

There is a chance to become the enemy of both sides at the same time.

How to protect yourself?

Treat wounded scalpel, not Thai massage. No stroking on the head, but only: "You, of course, pay, but ...". And then, on points about the causes of injury.

The only value of office wars is that they are an order of magnitude attentiveness and the collaboration of each participant of events. Therefore, wars often provoke from the Cabinet of General. Smart generals in this case are scored on geopolitics and go to drink brandy together. Remember this option!

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