Conflict in the store. 10 reasons confidently sly their forest


"Show the handbag, please. Leave it at the entrance, show your pockets, remove the jacket. Pass, please shoot, "you do not have to obey any requirement for shopping. We must know your rights. And in general, not in vain said great: "knowledge is power." But do not forget that no one has canceled the gross strength of the store guards yet. Be polite, the law is on your side.


1. You do not have to wrap a bag in polyethylene or leave it in the cell.

The usual situation, before entering the supermarket, they are asked to wrap the bag in the bag and pour it with hot tongs. In this case, you can safely say a security guard in black shape so that it turns the forest. You do not have to do this. The same applies to the request to leave the bag in the storage chamber. The store for the safety of stakeholders does not carry, and you can open such a cell using a screwdriver. Their experiences for their goods are quite understandable, but this is not your problem, but security services. The presence of your bags is not a reason to refuse the sale of goods. If your refusal does not act on the security guard, call the administrator and remind him of article 466 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation.

2. You are not obliged to show a bag and check at the exit.

Remember, store guards are not entitled to search you. Standard requests Show purchases and check - no more than the request of one person to another. If you do not want, you can not show any or another. Especially, do not let yourself search. Everything that the guard can make is to cause the police, not having the right even to delay it before they arrive. That is formally you can leave, without waiting for people in blue shape. But do not forget that the police love to get up to the side of Chopovts, who often turn out to be their former colleagues. Do not immediately be pinned.

3. You can take pictures.

You can take pictures everywhere if this is not a regime object. Moreover, you have the right to fix the price of goods with a notepad or camera to choose from. If at least one price tag gets into the frame, you can safely indicate the guards on the forest. All links to private ownership do not have any reason. On the territory of private property there are laws of the Russian Federation as well as on the state. A sticker with a crossed out camera at the entrance to the store can not cancel your rights and freedoms, this constitution.

4. You must give a cash check.

Cash check is the basis for returning goods, guarantees, etc. Buying any product, demand a check. And not to knock the check, the staff can deceive their employer. This may not be your problem, but why get an accomplice? In cafes, for example, waiters love to bring not a fiscal, but a mischief that does not speak about the operation. This is done either to care from taxes, or to deceive the business owner. After you pay for such a check, the waiter will prescribe the cancellation of the order and put all the revenue in his pocket. The fiscal check differs from the progress of the large letters "FP" below. What exactly should not be done by receiving a mischief, it is to leave the tips. And so the entire cost of the order will go to the waiter. Meaning to overpay?

5. Invalid price tag on the product.

It often arises such a situation that the goods on the shelf stands with one price, and it is more expensive at the checkout. To the question: "A, actually, the spill?", The cashier replies that, apparently, they did not have time to change the price tag, and on the basis of the product is more expensive. These are the problems of exclusively cashier, director of the store and then on the list. But obviously not yours. The price tag on the product is a document, he must have a signature of the store director and round seal. If he is opposite the goods, then you must ship the goods for the amount that is specified in the check. Do not forget to show them in which side of the forest.

6. Raising the price before the sale.

Discounts of 50-60% - what could be better? Only this discount is not always considered from the real value of the goods. The earliest sellers love raise the price a couple of days before the sale, and then make a discount from an increased price. Here you can save only common sense and observation. If you suspect the store in frauds with a discount, you still can't do anything. This is their business, how to form a price policy. All that can be sent to them by the forest, but to leave in another direction.

7. Incomplete equipment.

This is important, especially when you buy electronics. Often complete with the phone are headphones, with electronic scales batteries and so on. This pleasant little things workers are loved to leave. Often, this is sinning online stores, or rather their couriers. Check the completeness without departing from the cash register or not releasing the courier on the elongated hand.

8. Expired shelf life.

This is especially true of network stores. Nobody will be losing the shelf life on canned food, it is too troublesome. Did you see the cheese, sliced ​​with triangles or chubs, packed in the stretch film? This is an endless field for fraud. The fact is that the date standing on stickers with the store logo has nothing to do with the date of manufacture. This is the day when the employee cut the cheese head, wrapped a piece into the package and printed the sticker. If the cheese did not extend, and the term on the sticker comes out, the same employees unfold cheese or meat, cut the darkened face with a knife, wrapped in a new film and glue a new sticker with fresh time. Check it is impossible, therefore, if there is doubt, it is better to take products in the factory packaging.

9. Incomplete certificates and flawed bonuses.

Electronics stores like to give coupons for a certain amount when buying a product. For example, when buying a refrigerator, you are given a certificate for a couple of thousand rubles. But this does not mean that you can go and take some kind of kettle or hairdryer on it. When trying to pay, you point to small letters downstairs, which says that the certificate can pay no more than ten or fifteen percent of the cost of goods. That is, in fact, you are not cash equivalent, but the opportunity to get a discount on the goods. This, of course, is also not bad, but not what expected. Always read the rules of the promotion and are not wondering.

10. Do not take a good product back.

To return serviceable goods there are certain conditions: the availability of a check, a completeness of the goods, the absence of traces of operation. What you took off the packaging from the goods is nothing. Guarantees can generally bring the goods without packaging, even if the warranty is asked to save it. The favorite method of sellers Send the buyer is a reference to the technical complexity of the device. There is such an item in standards. But they also clearly listed the goods that fall under this category. If your product is not there, then you remember where the forest and who should go there.

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