As signs of the zodiac wake up in the morning


Lifehak: If you smashed the mirror in the morning, and the households, neighbors and the janitor of Stepanych, then say the judge: "This is not me, it's stars." And they justify you ... well, it is not excluded.



The decisive Capricorn is in no hurry to formulate its attitude towards each particular morning until it wives in the memory all the future things on this day. If things are pretty, Capricorn resolutely gets up and decisively cleans his teeth. And if things are not very, Capricorn is resolutely turning on the other side, resolutely burst into the corner of the blanket: "Yes, they all went."



Aquarius wakes up exclusively with autotraining. In this world there is no Aquarius, which would love to wake up. But there is also no Aquarius in this world, which would not be able to autotraining. Therefore, Aquarius feel great if they have at least a couple of sleep hours, hot coffee and some weapons of mass destruction. The latter is exclusively for inner peace and harmony with the world.



Woken fish - this is such a Schrödinger fish. You never know for sure - whether it has already woke up, or not. Whether she has a good mood, or this is especially a sweet dream. Whether she has a bad mood, or she is fighting in a dream with a monster. Yes, your sucking is fighting. And since the fish adore their dreams, they can sleep all their lives. And you will not even guess.



Everything is difficult here. The fact is that Aries already at seven in the morning is usually awesome, delivered, focused and even, damn it, painted. Therefore, our editorial magic ball is not able to decipher how the Aries wakes up. But the razor of Okka is quite capable of explaining this phenomenon: just the Aries never sleep at all.



The Taurus selflessly hates seven in the morning, the alarm clock bell, night on Monday, and everything else connected with the early lifts. Even very calm Tales (although the "calm Taurus" is in itself an oxymoron) No, no, and the alarm clock is fluttered into the wall. Yes, so that 50 cm of concrete plastic samsung is capable of breaking. From the wakeful calves you need to stay away at least the first half hour. And who did not hide - do not say that you have not been warned.



Twins sleep in turn each of the sublipses. Therefore, the twin body, in general, never falls out. His biorhythms are changing at the speed of a stroboscope - then he gets up at six in the morning, it does not dry up, and the twin himself is not able to predict how hard it will get up, for example, at ten in the morning in a week. Well, the concept of "rolling according to the schedule" can break the twin and everyone who has carelessly found himself within the radius of a shot, life.



For cancers, the word "need" has magical properties. If others are able to cut the alarm clock, shoved before the word "it is necessary" the word "nafig", then for cancers it is necessary - it means that it is necessary. Therefore, they simply do not think that they have some kind of alternative to raising the bed. They just get up doomed, courageously deliver legs in the sneakers and purposefully go to the bathroom, without sobbing. And above their heads are poured golden nitrore.



Lions jump out of bed quite vigorous, ready for jumping and breaking the sip's victims scheduled for the day. The secret is that lions have a unique ability to fill their lives with the maximum number of pleasant things for themselves. And the fact that in other people everything happens is wrong, lions or non-coming, or do not care saliva. Lions are always wildly surprised - what are you all so sleepy, louners? And Luzers, of course, lions are quietly hated.



Virgin, with a probability that seek to one hundred percents read this horoscope, sincerely bewildered: what's the problem in the morning of the alarm? The alarm clock calls, a person gets up, the Volga flows into the Caspian Sea. The problems of people suffering from the inability to tear their heads from the pillow in the morning, the Virgo belongs to a squeamish sympathy. As a patient, some exotic incurable and rather shame disease.



For weights, the morning rise passes without much delight, but it is much easier than for most characters. The essence is in the non-alternativeness of this very morning lift. Now, if you could choose: to get up or not, there would be weights and cranes. Whether the conscience would have devoured a debt, whether the debt would be burned to conscience, but whoever won - he would not leave the living witnesses of this epic battle.



For scorpions, the morning rise also does not cause special problems, but at all for another reason, rather than by the scales. Scorpio - Genius otmazzok. So if the scorpion does not want to get up, he will not get up. And no problems. And before the bosses, relatives or himself, the Scorpio will define without any negative consequences, do not go to the fortuneteller.



For Sagittarius Non-Ship - Terrible Flour. They suffer from him, they do not think badly and want on the handles. And how many years it would have happened, he still can neither get used to nor torture and looks at the ringing phone every morning as on the traitor. And many Sagittarius are generally fallen with the hope that morning will never come. Apocalypse is a full-worthless alternative to the alarm closer.

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