If the TV channel "Culture" worked in the style of the newspaper "Star Boulevard"!



Recently, we have revealed all the editors that we miss the legendary style of "Star Boulevard". For a while in this edition, the material was produced under the headlines in the spirit of the classic boulevard press.

Unfortunately, the district administration has banned the editors to continue in the same style. Pics.ru decided to pose a little on "yellowness" and represents the 13th headers of the news of the TV channel "Culture" such as if they were written in the style of the "star boulevard". By the way, two more heading here are real, one - from the site of the channel "Culture", another - from the current "Star Boulevard". Can you find them without spying in a search engine?

Frightened boy in Moscow sawing Tchaikovsky and walked on a premium

In the All-Russian competition of young musicians defeated violinist

In the Museum of Irkutsk, arranged a pectoris and zoom to minors

Children of Irkutsk will show the grandiose porcelain christmas vertel XVIII century

A huge woman owed 500 thousand euros and could not avoid punish


The court of Barcelona sentenced Montserrat Caballe to the sixth of the prison for non-payment of taxes

Russians forced to read about the characters of jokes about the lieutenant Rzhevsky out loud

On the TV channel "Culture" passed the All-Russian Readings "War and Peace"

In St. Petersburg pick up thin children right in school

The film director holds a casting among St. Petersburg schoolchildren on a major role in his new drama

Mikhail Svetin: "My element - markets and garbage"

Interview with the famous actor about his hard, but interesting life

Not a phenomenon, but the hero of our time

175 years ago the famous Roman Lermontov was published

Elderly woman ascet a million rubles for Harayana


Svetlana Druzhinin is looking for funds to shoot the continuation of "Marthemarins"

Surfing the pantalons for all the highest light

In Moscow, organized historical balls of past epochs

In France, found the oldest film about the drug addict-sociopath

The first screening of novels about Sherlock Holmes was discovered

In Moscow, idiot made transvestite

In the theater of Nations, Prince Myshkin will play Ingeborg Dapkunay

Mounting woman did not live to her century due to alcohol problems

The world celebrated a hundred years since Edith Piaf

Nikita Mikhalkov did not give due to politics

Russian director accuses political situation in the non-treatment of the Oscar award

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