30 facts about women who explain everything


Sexy, chauvinism and sexism are not growing in a flat place. Men and women are really very different, from physiology, to psychology.

We have collected 30 of the most characteristic facts that will help men better understand their women, and women explain their own actions.
  • The neck of a woman is more flexible than a man. Therefore, responding to the call, it turns only his head, while the opposite sex is forced to turn around to all the case.
  • During sex, a woman thinks about whether it looks beautiful. If not confident in yourself, then preferred complete darkness.
  • Women breathe breasts, and men belly.
  • Women feel uncomfortable if they have loose hands. They necessarily need to be chopping something. Handbag, fan, book, gloves - they are worn in their hands for this.
  • Women otherwise than men rise and descend from the mountain. They prefer to move sideways, while men are simply wider than the legs.
  • The smokers, unlike a smoker, never holds a cigarette in his mouth, cling to her lips or teeth. Only in hand.
  • Women blink twice with men.
  • Women's heart is 20% less than men. But this is only the size of the heart muscle. It does not affect the character of a person. Just a female body is usually less than men, and therefore it takes less effort to pump blood.
  • To enlist the confidence of a woman, it is enough to hug it for twenty seconds. Do not confidence with love. In order to achieve love, you need to make much more effort.
  • Women are the best organizers than men. They perceive the humanitarian science better and work in multitasking mode.
  • Women are experiencing a great need for communication. During the day, they pronounce three times more words than men. This is all because of the center of pleasure in the brain. Apparently, this was approved that women love ears.
  • Women are better developed peripheral vision, they are better seeing in the dark.
  • The gait with the characteristic patching of the thighs is due to the fact that women are wider than the pelvis bones.
  • Women are closer and longer listen to the interlocutor. This is all from the fact that they have the need for communication (see above).
  • For the same reason, women are more successful in negotiations than their courageous colleagues.
  • The Englishwoman of Hell Lovelace is the very first programmer.
  • In the world, 100 million fewer women than men. The inequality arises mainly due to the fact that in Asia, children boys are more desirable than girls. Often women interrupt pregnancy to not give birth to girls.
  • In Russia, the situation is reverse. We have women nine million more than men.
  • Women cry five times more than men. Average from 30 to 65 times a year.
  • Women twice smoked less. On average three times a day.
  • The largest mother in the world has 69 children. This is the wife of the Russian peasant Fyodor Vasilyeva, who lived in the 18th century. She gave birth 27 times. In all, she had sixteen duals, seven Troyen and four times she gave birth to quadruplets.
  • Women are more inclined to depressions and more often men takes attempts to suicide. But the success in this business they achieve ten times less often. This is because the attempt of suicide is more often undertaken to attract attention than for the result. Therefore, methods for account information they choose not particularly effective.
  • Often, women ask a question that cannot be the right answer in principle. This is done in order to cause a feeling of guilt at the source.
  • Residents of ancient Rome applied sweat of gladiators on the skin, believing that it would make them more beautiful and improve the complexion. As beauty smells, nothing is known about that.
  • A year in life on average, a woman goes to decide what to wear her.
  • A woman can get pregnant even a week after sex. But this is caused by the vitality of spermatozoa rather than with the amazing abilities of the female body.

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