Assorted question: how to solve it in different countries


You can live for a long time without a new smartphone or a trip to the sea, but some things will not wait forever.

For example, visit toilet. One of the most important human needs. Here are nine facts about how the problem is solved in different countries.



In 2001, the World Toilet Organization was established during the conference on the topic of hygiene and sanitation in Singapore. On the day of its foundation, November 19, an international toilet day is celebrated. The WTO includes the Russian toilet association.

# 2.

In the subway of the South Korean capital, the toilets are on each station at the top, and they are free. In the subway of St. Petersburg, too, many stations built toilets for passengers, but not put into operation. Why is it unknown.

# 3.

In Rome, cafes and restaurants are obliged to let anyone who wants to the toilets. But many missing forces are not enough forces, so without extreme necessity it is not necessary to use this law. There are no such law in Turkey, but pregnant, children and older people are allowed to the toilets in a cafe without any questions. In Russia, in most catering institutions, this is possible only after ordering at least a cup of tea.


The only opportunity to go to the toilet for free in Russia is polyclinic, gas stations and large shopping centers. Sometimes network restaurants are still out. Cheap toilets are also in small shopping centers and at intercity stations. But in general, the city administrations are confident that not only princesses do not go to the toilet, and the question is important and related to security, the convenience and sanitary condition of the city do not consider.


In many Asian and some Eastern European countries, even the most advanced toilets have the toilet of the type that is installed in the floor and which are squatted. It seems to be more rude and retarded than the familiar stool, but for public toilets is so much hygienic. In addition, they are used in a more physiological posture.

# 6.

In Turkey, full of cheap public toilets, for example, with mosques and train stations. But Russian tourists can pose to the lack of toilet paper in some of them. The fact is that the Turks traditionally prefer to be arranged. And even those that are used toilet paper.

# 7.

In the Netherlands, street urinals are installed for men, slightly covered by walls from the sides. It turned out to be the only effective measure of the fight against the fact that drunk tourists are torn to a public toilet.

Avot tourists sometimes fall or be very cultured, or worsen the sanitary condition of the city, they did not come up with anything. However, you can carry cones to use the urinal, designed specifically for women encountered with such problems.

Although only alcohol may prevent a simple public toilet in Amsterdam.


Interestingly, the problem was solved in Edinburgh. In the Middle Ages, it was possible to get on the street for money - the bucket and cloak. On the bucket immediately sat down, and the cloak thrown on the shoulders hid the details from prying eyes.

Later in the city, the law was adopted, according to which the owners of houses had to let passersby in the toilets, if they would greatly fit.

Finally, the number of public restrooms in the city has reached such a number that the law was canceled.


In the toilets of ancient Rome, visitors calmly looked at each other and, if desired, were conversations. In modern China mainly the same. And the school toilets of our childhood were still arranged so, but we did not differ in Roman sociable and therefore they did not like to go to them.

Illustration: shutterstock

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