5 trials of adult friendship (and ways to get out of them with honor)


You have passed fire, water, and copper pipes, survived and envy because of the doll of Barbie, and love in the same boy, and arrival in different universities.

But to relax early - long-term friendship is waiting for a lot of strength tests. And, perhaps, at some point it will seem to you that this friendship will not survive. Do not worry, cope!

Girlfriend went to another city

Now for the sake of a cup of hotels in the company with a friend you have to make a vacation, find, to whom to leave small, and move to the other end of the country - and well, if this country, and not any other. And even just do not call, when the hunt - you have a white day, and she, maybe, a deaf night.

What to do: Use technology. In any messenger, you can leave a voice message, so you choose all your sadness and joy - a friend will wake up and listening to your native voice. It is still better than just constantly rewrite - so you retain a sense of personal presence. And when you find the intersection point in time zones, you can chat on Skype. It is very important to maintain this particular feeling of presence - for example, do not just describe a new office, a dog or a bench in the park, and send each other video and photos, create emotional bridges, depending on the same films and reading the same books (or at least disputes with one And the same assholes on the Internet). Friendship at a distance supports not so much meaningful conversations for a month and a half times a month, but a brief, but daily rope of anything.

You have become my mother. And girlfriends - no

Shows, jeeping and sulfur suddenly began to seem to see you excellent theme for a conversation for a cup of cocoa. You are to some extent obsessed with your breast. Maternity opened you a simple truth: all garbage, except for motherhood. Girlfriends make a strange face and promise to look at some other time, but do not look. It is difficult for them to accept your new role - and it is difficult for you even for 5 minutes to cease to be a mother and be just a girlfriend.

What to do: The most logical step for many is to find the same freshly baked moms and plunge into the magical world of colic and push. But there is a certain risk to get stuck on this topic if not forever, then for a long time. Do not forget that friendship is about "sharing", and not about "forcibly feeding the details of his life," and find the strength to listen to the girlfriends, even if they talk about such a nonsense as their own families, work, hobbies and travels. It will take quite a bit of time, and you will stop seemingly that it is nonsense - before you have become my mother, it was all important for you too.

It is impossible to find time for a meeting without children.

You would sit with my friends, but who will put the children to sleep? And if you take a babies with you, I will not get a meeting of old friends, but an exit kindergarten. If your girlfriends do not work with you in one office, it is almost impossible to carve time for them.

What to do: Just accepting as a fact that spontaneous meetings have moved to the past for some time. Plan a randnev in advance - preferably, strongly in advance. If there are three weeks in stock, it is much easier to dye everything with work, husbands, grandmother (or nanny). Yes, nanny is a great invention of humanity. But if for some reason it is impossible to hire it, that is, other family members and neighbor-friends on the playground. And in the end, dinner in the restaurant is not the only option. Go together for purchases and complete shopping in a coffee shop with a shopping center.

Your family does not endure her family

She is your light in the window, but your children do not tolerate each other. Or with children everything is OK, but your husband causes idiosyncrazia from her husband. Do not take you one cottage at sea and do not ride the picnic with families.

What to do: And who said you must meet everyone Kagal? Do not impose a girlfriend with everything that is attached to it, your family - you can always meet one on one (see above). Or choose such places of meetings where you can sit apart, while families are having fun - even an amusement park, even an entertainment center with bowling.

This, however, does not mean that at home you need to look like it does not exist. In fact, the children (and husbands) would be nice to understand two things: Firstly, anyone of any member of the family is valuable that he is his friend, and secondly, you need to behave decently even with those who do not need you Especially like it.

You just somehow moved away

For many years, at meetings, you just remember the past, because you have no new general memories. When memories are running out, the topics for the conversation are terminated.

What to do: Perhaps nothing. Many friendships to reach for us from the sandbox simply because it is a pity to throw something that heard so many years. However, if the meetings with her became a boring responsibility - maybe it is worth removing it with yourself? The shelter time is that it does not bring neither joy nor inspiration, you deprive yourself the resource that is necessary to get new friends.

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