Where to take new friends if you are 30 years old?


How do people at all take friends? Well, it is known, from where - from childhood, school and uni. By the time of the diploma, we are usually fully equipped with friends and buddies.

And if until this point they started somehow themselves, then after entering the big world, new friends rarely appear.

Why so it turns out?

The reason for such a sorrowful state of matters is easier than the paired movies: in the sandbox, the school yard and the university campus we are surrounded by people of one with us of age and social status, we have a lot of common with us, because we are worried about the same problems - for example, more cheese In kindergarten or yum, how to get a chemical Ludmila polycarpovna and where to get lectures on the history of marketing, on which we did not appear at all.

But in the big world, the choice of people is wider - we are surrounded by strange personalities, which are very older or younger, childless or more familiar, some are considered a penny for salary, others buy Mercedes to the color of the shoes.

Social Mazurka also becomes more difficult. If earlier it was enough to call Lenka to my home to play "Barbie-Packer-Tomb" or, without rearing, to invite a guy from a parallel stream to drink beer in the park only on the ground that you both learn in one case, now such Simple techniques, unfortunately, not canvas.

And by 30 years, many are explicitly lacking friends. Some burned, got the children and to dig them from the house only once a year. Others moved - or you myself gathered manatki and waved somewhere behind the gypsy star nomadic. Third sort of side by side, but your paths clearly separated.

This does not mean that you are now doomed to life in a social vacuum. Around full of people who feel just. And you can find new friends at any age - you just need to know where to look for and how to get enough to them.


The most obvious option that many do not consider at all. And in vain - with these people you have exactly a lot of common - you chose the same scope of activity and seduced by the offer of this particular company. You have a lot of opportunities for informal communication - from smoking and joint dinners up, prostangelies, corporate events and villains for the nature of tymblilding fun.

Chip: If you are uncomfortable to start a conversation about anything with unfamiliar people, do not rape yourself - all the same as the sparkling secular tree will not come out, there is a skill and training. Therefore, do not try to chat with the weather colleagues. Looking for more dense points of contact - you can ask about corporate rules or talk about projects that you are working on together, asked how the past corporates passed, if another break is coming, or to ask where a decent latte is written in the district.


If you jump on the zombie or sweat on cross-fitness, it is already a good start. Joint sweating somehow brings closer. In general, any group classes are useful in the search plan of friends - you see the same people in the same days. In addition, after training, all the endorphins are covered with you, so you go easier to contact.

Chip: If you have seen a pretty maiden or clearly friendly guy on a nearby simulator, they got you dried too - they see you as often as you. Two or three joint classes already give you the right to approach and introduce themselves in all form - well, what are you like nonsense.


Just a golden bottom to search for friends. You make a common business and moreover, you feel like wellms and a team of rescuers of the world, which fights all sorts of injustices - in a single rush, the ridden city park is removed, saves homeless dogs or sorts the jackets for homeless people. Only a joint revolution brings closer faster than charity.

Chip: Start a conversation with colleagues-volunteers is easier than simple - you just need to ask why dogs or homeless people. Rarely, who chooses a volunteer program by a blind tyk, so that everyone will have a whole personal story.

Social networks

Probably, most of our friends found after the institute were found exactly there. The easiest way to join different interesting groups and gradually there, from likes through comments on personal messages, select those with whom you want to be friends.

Chip: The social network is the best way out for people of introverted or shy, there is the easiest way to maintain a comfortable rate of rapprochement.

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