"I am not just dead": a letter of victims of crime throughout Facebook


    Two young girls went to travel and were cruelly killed. History, tragic in itself, but she had no less terrible continuation ...

    22-year-old Maria Koni and 21-year-old Marina Menegazzo from Argentina traveled by Ecuador - and agreed to accept help from new acquaintances. After some time, their bodies were discovered in trash packages. And what was the reaction of social networks? A murderous ... in relation to the victims! "Surely they were indecent looked!", "And clearly suggested!", "And in general, why do women travel alone? Understandable result! "

    After that, a Paraguaye student wrote an open letter in the social network on behalf of the dead. Now this post has more than 726 thousand "Shores". It will not return to the life of Maria and Marina - but maybe at least something will change in relation to the world to the problem ...

    We publish this letter without bills.

    "Yesterday I was killed. I did not allow them to touch myself, and a skull broke the stick with a stick. They hit me with a knife and left bleeding until I died. Then they put me in a black plastic bag, stuck with scotch and threw on the beach, where my body was discovered in a few hours. But worse death was the subsequent humiliation.

    After my death, no one was interested in where these bastards, and where were my dreams, my hopes, my life. No, useless questions and accusations. Accusations to my address, imagine? Add to a dead girl who can not even protect themselves. What clothes on you were? Why were you alone? How can a woman travel alone? You went to dangerous places, what did you want?

    They were interested in which methods were brought up by parents who allowed me to be independent, like any normal person. They said that the killers were clearly under the buzz, and we ourselves asked us, we had to follow themselves.

    I'm not just dead, I realized that in this world I never lived in human. I am even in my own death, and it will always be. If the titles shout that two young people of travelers were killed, everyone will begin to express condolences and, guided by false and hypocritical double standards, demand a harsh punishment for killers. But if you are a woman, the value of your life is minimal. Although life is not so hard, we can at least already look at the world. Do what you want, do not be subjected to everything, do not shock at home, invest money in your dreams. I did it, that's what I am to blame.

    I am sad, especially because I'm no more here. But you are. And you are a woman. And you finally got a chance, for the first time in history. But you continue to sing the old song: "Myself is to blame", "put all the charms, put on a short dress in a 40-degree heat to show that it is ready with all", "you need to be crazy to travel one." Therefore, know that if your rights are driving, then you have done everything for this.

    I ask you for myself and all women who cannot raise the voice and protect themselves. We will fight, I will invisibly with you, and I promise that one day the day comes when your voice is not plugged and will not be buried in a black garbage bag. "

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