I am a monster: 10 situations in which you feel a monster


    Each has a few heartless bastards. No matter how good yourself is that you are a good and in general almost Disney Princess, but there is no monster, no yes and looks out. And it happens terrible for him!

    1. An angel for the third hour yells a good mate, but everyone continues a cute secular conversation about the von Treier and, it seems that you just want to strangle the child.
    1. The boss asks: "You have friends with Vay, what do you think it is necessary to take him by the head of the folder department?" And you, remembering Vasya, a cute bucharik, breaking and chronic lazy, answer "yes in no case."
    1. Girlfriend bought a dress that sits on her, like a goat on the fence - what are you talking in response to the question "Well, shine?".


    1. You drive a cat out of bed, and he woves, hanging his nose, and thoroughly throws a puzzling look at you.
    1. You open Facebook and suddenly you see a hundred congratulations on your birthday on the page of your mother. All dated yesterday.
    1. Fakesontristor in the Patus Club itself tells you "Girl passes", but blows the way to your friends. You are indignantly unfold - "Yes surrendered to our royal company your rotten zabak!" - And proudly you will fly the sneezing girls to another place. But you go ahead so that no one notice your smug smirk.


    1. You ask for a debt to something vital, but you already mentally bought the very shoes that were postponed for you in the store. They are red. And this is the last couple. And shoes win.
    1. He kept someone in the subway, but let her go too early, and aunt with cars, three children and a dog flew through this door exactly in the forehead.
    1. She sits with black circles under the eyes and asks if you don't know how there is her former. And you know - married Playboy models, born two welders and recently flew away on a personal Jenet to New York to open a branch of his company. And I would be glad to say that I was last seen under the fence, but in no way.
    1. You reluctant to go on the sad birthday of the former classmate, and she all calls you and reports how preparations are going, where the balls will hang and how she is waiting for you.

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