Undercover: 5 signs of disguised depression


Flashmob #FaceOFDepression clearly proved that the person at the bottom of the depression does not necessarily lie face to the wall and spares from morning to night. You can draw purple arrows, play with a dog, dance on the bar counter, melted on canoe, saw funny selfie - and at the same time want to immediately go out into the window.

But at least all these people, understood that they had depression, and some were even able to ask for help. However, the depression is cowar. Many people suffer from her, not even understanding what is wrong. Masked, atypical, hidden depression - her names have a lot. Check yourself just in case - are you sure that everything is in order? Usually these signs go a set, and if there is one of them - for sure there are several others.


And not ababa, but perfectionism without the right to error. You just can't say ourselves "Well, okay, this time it didn't work out," shake shoulders and go to eat. After that, you can only eat yourself, and I like it. You need to be an ideal mom, impeccable pro, the world's best wife, the most fantastic mistress and a brilliant player in a pododynka fool. Any discrepancy causes you to the longing, anxiety and a flurry of self-evidence in a densence.

Exaggerated sense of responsibility

Not everything in the world depends on you, but you disagree with it. You are guilty for the fact that the child picked up the windmill, for lousy weather, which mixed plans on the forest picnic, for the bad mood of others. You are the first who notices the problem - and the first who climbs them to decide, even if there is a dozen observers around there, and everyone would have coped with it no worse.

Ban on lousy emotions

You can talk with irony about how you humiliated, insulted and betrayed. But in no case will you not allow yourself to be distinguished, kick the table and honestly admit that you are humiliated, offended, disappointed and very, very evil. Maybe you have no words such in the lexicon, because you have been taking a negative to the unworn samurai daughter for many years and keep your face, even if the forces are on the outcome. So long to go long, you know.

Caring for others to the detriment of oneself

There is even no heroism. You just don't show your vulnerability in the face of troubles and sores for any rugs. You care more about how a friend feels, which pulled the muscle on yoga, and a unwanted husband, than his own state - even if you have pneumonia, the boss-inkube and parents decided to divorce. You will never tell me "I'm all bad, I want attention, your dinner will wait" and rarely do something just for yourself.

Collecting achievements

And constantly go through them as a collection of buttons. You are the head of the department. You started your business and he did not sink. You have three cool children. You speak five languages ​​and learn the sixth. You earn most of all in the family. And your waist in your girth of 50 centimeters. And everything is new in a circle. Because you yourself are not you, but compiling from your victories and conquered vertices. And such a compulsive accounting of goods and bonuses is the only way to give life meaning and volume.

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