Lazy and mighty dishes: pretend to be a great mistress!


To treat a capricious family and traditionally unexpected guests without cutting, but with a scope and chic - no need to be killed by heavy "home-generating" 1956. It is enough to first look at the lovingly compiled crib - and quickly constructed an intricate and cool.

Hostess: When you give, the word "lazy" in the title of dishes omit. Neither what they have these extra details! And if you leave the "imported" names, your creast is just until heaven. The main thing is to now do not go to eat whole pilgrim delegations!

Lazy Lazagna


Ingredients: Polkulo minced meat, as many raw champignons or other fungi, a pair of bulbs, a bundle of a pita, a tablespoon of flour, a little solid cheese, can tomato, salt-pepper.

The process itself. Mushrooms with a lack of rosy, minced Solim-Perchym without fanaticism and also slightly fry. I spread the layers in a lubricated oil: Lavash - then mince - then mushrooms - and so on until the raw materials are over (it is possible to interface the pieces of tomato). We are preparing Beshamel-Handmade: Flour with milk stirring, a slightly slight salt and bring a mixture to a boil. Thickened? We fill our "building", we rub the cheese on top - and half an oven in the oven.

Lazy Pizza


Ingredients: 9 tablespoons of flour, 4 tablespoons sour cream, a pair of eggs, 300 g of solid cheese, for a piece of sausages and ham, tomato, pepper, can be olives, greens. For Tolerant - Mayonnaise;)

The process itself. Bug eggs, adding sour cream (and, if you are not scary, mayonnaise). Now flour and mix well. Heat the slipper frying pan, lay the dough on it and briefly return to the stove. After a minute, when it "grabbing", put the components with artistic pieces with artistic pieces, completely from above - cheese. We put on the middle fire, cover the lid ... and after 10 minutes, when the cheese melts, ready pizza, Olya-la!

Lazy Khachapuri


Ingredients: 7 tablespoons of flour, 4 eggs, 200 g of cottage cheese and cheese, 150 g sour cream, a little creamy oil, greens - which scattered at the bottom of the refrigerator.

The process itself. Cottage cheese kneading, we send a marching cheese and broken eggs to it. All this is mixed, we attach the sour cream, mix again, then flour and mix again. Solim, send a sliced ​​greens there. Now lay the dough into a lubricated oil shape and send the oven for 20-25 to preheated to 200 degrees. Wah, what a tasty!

Spanish Trochilla


Ingredients: Several large potatoes, bulb, bell pepper, couple of garlic fake, egg heels, greens, vegetable oil, salt pepper.

The process itself. Chopped onion onions fry, then add chopped garlic to it, we cook a little more, then pepper cut into the same slices - and a little more. Now the potato time has come. Potatoes scams are not ready (5 minutes), attaching to the "colleagues" in a frying pan - and fry an even about the same. Now flood eggs - whipped, saved and arched greens. And in the oven for minutes at 20. Feeding a dish, remind those present that Julian Semenova was passionately wanted to Stirlitz, and the hostess of the institution he says: "We do not prepare a crook. It is necessary to be able to! " But you - you know how!

Lazy taxos


Ingredients: Purchased pellets (if you want to especially shift, find special corn, but any lamb), sheltered meat minced meat, a couple of bully, several tomatoes more and quieter or half a breaker of tomato sauce, several cloves of garlic, solid cheese, greens and vegetables to taste (green salad , onions, Bulgarian pepper, cabbage), more spices - sharp, good and different (chili pepper, turmeric, quinent, etc.).

The process itself. Sliced ​​onions fry until goldenness, add chopped garlic and spices, stir for a minute, throw minced frying pan, fry 5 minutes, add sauce or pured tomatoes. 9 minutes 15 minutes, Solim, try not to eat right away. We still have all this beauty with vegetables and greenery to shove in the pellets, sprinkle with cheese, wrap ... and convey to eaters! Oh, and if there is still a beer ...



Ingredients: On the dough - egg, milk and flour, plus for filling, too, eggs and milk, vegetable oil, green onions and other greens, salt with pepper. How much - depends on the appetites.

The process itself. We sculpt the dough as on dumplings, cut down long rectangles, wet two edges and rush, making "envelopes" with one hole. For filling in broken eggs, add milk and oils (on the tablespoon on the egg) and pour back there more than greens. We put a saucepan with water on the fire - and when it boils and satisfies, in each convert, we pour a little liquid stuffing, we rush and quickly throw in boiling water. It is better not to do too much: they will not be able to stack and save the future. But when after 3-4 minutes we chop out our "dumplings in oriental" and polished by melted oil, it will be a mega-mega-mega!

Lazy pies


Ingredients: A half a cup of pancake flour, 100 ml of serum, row of mushrooms, bowl, cheese cutting, greens.

The process itself. From flour and serum, we will place the dough and put in the refrigerator for 15 minutes. So far I have sweating mushrooms with onions and cut the greens. Now we roll the dough into a big membrane, spread the stuffing stuffing on it and pour the greens. Twisting into the roll, cut it into pieces, spread to the ardent baking sheet and send it into the heated oven. After 15 minutes, we extract, on top to each put on a piece of cheese - and a few more minutes to torment the patties in the oven, and the abstinence. And now how we throw it!

Lazy Belyashi


Ingredients: Polkulo stuffing, a little less flour, bulb, egg, 2 cups of kefir, some soda and sugar, salt and pepper, vegetable oil, greens.

The process itself. Kefir to warm up a little, throw there along a pinch of soda-sugar soda, leave on the table for 10 minutes. And the cut bulb and egg, a little salt and pepper - march into the minced meat! In Kefir, we plucked the flour, stirring until the dough is the A la sour sour cream. We put the dough on a preheated squabble frying pan, on top of a stuffing spoon - and again the test, so that the minced meal looks out. He fry to pleasant goldenness, turn over and fry on the other hand, sprinkled with greens - and we throw on this yummy as abnormal.

Speed ​​Muffins


Ingredients: 100 g of cheese, approximately the same flour, a teaspoon of a bakery powder, a little milk, a pair of eggs, 2 tablespoons of sour cream and olive oil.

The process itself. I rub the cheese on the grater, everything else is whipped by a blender and add it there. Now we break the dough on round molds and bake about 15 minutes in the oven, heated to 200 degrees. Well, before inappropriate, it's easy, and scatters - like hot cakes ... That is, Muffins!

Super-simple fruit pie


Ingredients: A glass of flour, a pair of large apples, 200 ml of prostroprious, half a cup of sugar, a little raisin, a glass of brandy, a droplet of hawed soda, an egg, a little creamy oil, a little vanilla.

The process itself. Apples clean and cut the slices, in the same bowl, we pour raisins and pour cognac. The egg is whipped with sugar, add prostroprious, then flour with hawed soda, mix. We pour the dough into the applied preheated shape, we climb apples with raisins from above - and baking half an oven in the oven, heated to 200 degrees. Ready to check the classic - fluttering toothpick, the readiness for eating this fragrant joy is imperative instantly!

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