5 superconductors that all kinheroev have


That is, at all at all, and not only those who are put on the plot to run in the tribone and save everyone. Screenwriters are generous and emphasize even the heroes of Romomomov.

They know how to create parking spaces

Wherever the hero rode, directly opposite his goal there is a ready-made parking space. He never has to park his batmobile in three quarters and closing a pawkodral. Since in a harsh reality, it happens five or six in a lifetime, we assume that such convenient parking spaces are created independently.

All women do not grow wool

Frame from the film

They fight for survival on a uninhabited island for six seasons, over the years lie in a coma, looking for the jungle ancient magical artifacts, roam from the destroyed postpocalyptic world - and the legs remain smooth and shiny, as if only from the depilation cabinet. With armpits the same story. And if the heroine runs in bikini, then everything is fine with bikini. Obviously, even after the ends of the light in abandoned stores, there will be a sufficient stock of razor machines and wax strips. Furiosis is von for nothing that without hand, and it is controlled by the shaving of the armpits and calmly wears Mike-Alkashka.

All incredible hearing

Heroes can casually chat in the center of the dance floor when the ears beats a tyr-tic with a power with one hundred megawatt. From the ceiling, the plaster lies, and they welcome, as if nothing had happened. Neither in the helicopter cabin, nor during the carpet bombing, they do not ask "What did you say?" And understand each other with a half-clow.

Everyone see under water

Frame from the film

If you happened to dive with open eyes, do you know how it looks like - some kind of torment before the eyes, like this bottom? Or not? And this is a giant turtles or whose ass is sailing by? But in the movies everyone sees under water clearly, as with scuba. For them, this torment seems to be a well-groomed aquarium. In the "Pirates of the Caribbean", Jack Sparrow was able not only to find a puzzled stage 10 Elizabeth, but also calmly took off her dress with all the 18th century lacing and clasps - this is understandable, professionalism.

Everyone got an incredible force

If in reality your beloved falls from the cliff and gets clinging to your hand, you can start thinking what pictures you hang in Tinder. But in films, a 45-kilogram girl can easily pull out the fastening Bugai. You can still fly away, with one hand clinging to the rope hanging from the helicopter, like Cherry in the "Fear Planet".

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