"I wrote me messages in verses." Real stories about strange owners passing apartments


People are strange. For example, you think that you are removing your grandmother's hut, and she really is just a woman. Yaga. And now with this fairy tale, it is unclear.

Our readers shared their stories about strange apartment in their lives.



One old woman handed me a house. When I fell off the stool, trying to paint the ceiling, he phlegmatically said: "The previous tenant dumped with her, and on the fourth day and died." The lid is wider legs.


He removed the odnichki from Uncle - me and a one-year-old son. The son was constantly unscrewed the legs from stools, I hid them away, to get it when I was delivered - the owner demanded to collect them back and keep in sight. The latch on the bathroom outside, as it turned out, slammed itself when closing from the inside, I was afraid to wash there, twisted outdoor - also demanded immediately return. The bathroom failed respectively. The new year came to meet on this apartment. I, thank God, was not, I learned about it only because the toilet was clogged. Dropped when uncle came to us to relax: I return with the baby from a walk, and suddenly someone gets up from the sofa in the depths of the room ... I didn't like it very much.


My landlord wrote me messages in verses, like "I found money, thank you very much, you would have been waving the desk, or" (this is an expression, I did not save it in memory).


When I was 19 years old, I shot a room for two months, the head of which showed me a special rag on the first day, to wip the droplets from the tiles in the shower. That is, this cloth began to wipe only these droplets and nothing more.

Also on the sink in the kitchen lay two sponges to spend less detergent. I no longer remember the technology of using sponges, as well as saving, but she was some very cunning.


My mistress came to my apartment to wash. It will take some kind of thing, and then declared: "I walked, wash." And in the bath. Once even twice for a visit washed.


The dude threw me on a deposit, went to the police and said "I illegally passed the hut, I threw a dude for a deposit, he stole the chair, put him in prison."


My grandmother was surprised that she was not delayed tenants. One nuance: she loved to come in that apartment to dig in their things locked in a separate room. I did it almost every day and clock.


My hostess considered to be normal to enter with his keys in the house at 6-7 am on Saturday and start it to inspect, not embarrassed by the fact that I was in the bedroom wearing a lying. I was looking for traces of sabotage from children. The children were already aged when they do not draw a poop in the wallpaper and do not hide in the corners.


Book a room in Anapa in May for September (her husband's vacation). Made a deposit. The hostess with whom communicated by phone did not see. I met and had a brain elderly caulistant, who was impossible without her comment without her comment.

I came with my husband and two youngest of three children (6 years and 9 months) to relax from the saucepan and pan, but this home domain torque was tormented by the next 4 days: why don't I use the cuisine? We fed at the cafe! The polite messages on yuh did not act. And when I came to the kitchen to warm up the pizza, she exclaimed "oh delight, well, thank God!". What nonsense? I have to be aunt who lives at my expense to report, how, when and what my family eat ???

The husband drank and reported for a non-hard gait on video surveillance cameras.

It was over that we didn't sleep with my daughter, Dad remained with small, and we went for a walk. Returned at 2 am. We met a home-based union with the words: "You should be in 12 here !!!" Who should ??? Do you, aunt that exist on my money ???

In short, after moving 5 thousand for the remaining days, we never returned. Well, let them leave on the commemoration. Anapa, Novorossiyskaya Street, 56.


He concluded a contract through the realtor. With all documents, with all beauty. The hostess requested not to pay bills, did not even give the key from the mailbox - herself came from time to time to mail. Then the problems began - disabled electricity for non-payment. Then in a random conversation when running on instances to turn on the light, it turned out that the apartment was never privatized, the only person prescribed in it died, not leaving the heirs (the corpse was removed from the locked apartment, they could not find relatives), who was a lady who gave me Apartment - no one found out. And it was a little uncomfortable to ask ...

In another place, I watched the room. A beautiful room, everything is great, but when I went out into the corridor, a man was going to meet, on whose body only T-shirt, sneakers, glasses and an ax in their hands. I decided not to find out what he wanted to beat firewood, or what - and decided to refrain.


We and my husband once the hostess of the apartment accused that we stole a ceramic cover from the toilet and replaced with plastic. We were offended and moved in a week. She was very surprised.


My first apartment in St. Petersburg passed me a very strange man. First, he allowed in the case of the Apocalypse to put in the corner the stove-bourgear and trample her parquet. Even told how the pipe is better to bring out.

In addition, he was in the insane delight from the fact that I was from Siberia and constantly admired by Siberians, because we are "real anti-Russian people." About your Tatar and other "original-Russian" relatives with a fair adherence of aboriginal blood, I did not tell him not to upset.


The hostess loved to come to my absence and wait for me from work. When I came, she demonstratively with me washing a specks from the plate, sinks ...


He took off the room with grandmother. In the sense, the grandmother lived in the apartment and handed over the room. As soon as the contract was concluded and the money was given, the grandmother began to declare that I was afraid that I was talking about the intercourse on the phone on the mad sums, and therefore she would follow me and stand next to it when I speak on the phone.


A familiar removed the apartment in a decent kind of lady. The apartment turned out to be equity, and the lady drinking husband decided that he was also due. I came back and demanded the amount that my wife had already taken away, the apartment is and it too.


Did not remove, but talked about the removal. Room in the apartment without hostess. Only there the kitty lives (or two). But you do not worry, the hostess every day comes to feed it and clean. And the apartment is without hostess.


I do not remember why, there was a small one, but we are on the way from the grandmother when driving through, it seems, Novosibirsk, stopped not in the hotel, and not in the relatives, but on a service apartment that a strange lady was headed, especially and separately insistent That legs should be washed in the toilet. Until now, sometimes I torment the question, why and why.


The acquaintance was looking for a housing for himself, the most awesome was the offer of an apartment in a very beautiful and convenient place, she was warm, cozy, with the Internet ... and with a toilet, proudly standing in the corridor directly opposite the front door. For some reason, it did not take her friend ...


Entering the first year of the institute, began to shoot a room in an apartment for a woman about 60. That was prevented by purity. From the sink and from the walls in the soul after use, it was certainly necessary to wash all the drops of their traces. Once I came after the weekend and found a sheet of paper on my desk, on which my hair was neatly folded, lost in a natural way in the process of life (simply spelling it was impossible).

This hostess had a cat, a huge Persian cat with a stupid face and an even more stupid brain (wool distributed by the cat in the entire apartment, for some reason she did not confuse. It seems that I was recommended to close the door to my room, so that the cat was not silent the furniture, but at the sight of a closed door, this asshole sat down near it and began to yell. He could yell in hours and at all without reason.

And at night, he struck the big bunch in the middle of the kitchen, and if I got up in the morning before the mistress - I was waiting for a regular gift.

The article prepared Lilith Mazikina

Illustration: shutterstock

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