How to help if your neighbor is subject to violence, and you are not superheroid


When you understand that the scandals behind the wall are not just some emotional communication, but repeated violence over the neighbor, becomes not in itself. Nearby beaten by a person, and you can't help ... They say that this situation launches as a protective mechanism accusation of the victim, maybe they say, to blame.

In fact, some techniques that do not require supersil from you can help.



Homemade tyrana loves to seem to surround the surrounding cute and generally choke them with their support. Just like everyone, they would like to feel good or at least seem. So if somehow let it know that the neighbors are not delighted with what is happening, it can help the victim. For example, hang on the first floor near the elevator printout: "The tenants of such an apartment, we hear how you regularly beat a woman, and it is not very approved. Neighbors". This, by the way, will attract attention and other neighbors and many will make the same position, from a collective feeling - after all, a signature in a plural.

# 2.

A more subtle hint - and at the same time useful information - there will be a printout with the text that such family violence, and its inadmissibility, and phones of crisis centers like "sisters".

# 3.

The police do not like to leave for family quarrels, but many precinct preference will prefer the prevention of domestic killings on the plot entrusted to them (such is practice - if a woman is killed, the first-witty police check her husband and ... often are right). If you know who Plotte, go to him and inform about the situation, offer the neighbors to poll. There is a chance that he will hold a preventive conversation with Buyan - and home tyranny is often cowardly and the attention of the authorities do not want to attract.


If they are brought right now, you can call the door and run away. Or call and start yelling that water drips from the ceiling. If the scandal has not ended, call the police, which to inform about BDSM-Orgia - especially if it's in the evening. But even better, of course, call the door to the company of strong friends friends and report that you are here as representatives of all neighbors and that it is Tiran to start behaving normally, and then everyone is very unhappy. If one of the friends is really a neighbor, the effect will be better.


Remember that the police could not tolerate family conflicts. It can be argued that you hear the moans of youngsters - whether minors do not rape there? (Well, confused, the screams of women and gamblers are similar in general). They interfere with sleep, noisy, drunk make of some kind (judging by the sounds). Once again, home tyranny does not like public disapproval and cowardly with the authorities.


Alas, but passive help improves the position of the victim is not so strong. In addition to screaming and beatings, tyranny use a number of funds to turn the life of home to hell and enjoy it. Active help here is better passive. If you get the spirit and strength to take part in the life of the victim of violence, try to get acquainted with her, invite tea, to bring out what is happening, and get ready for it that it may be necessary for her not only information about crisis centers, but shelter here and now, and She rushes him to look for exactly the person who has already been at home.

The article was prepared by: Lilith Mazikina, Khali Kuleshov.

Illustration: shutterstock

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