Danketerapery. 12 dances, one of which was created for you!


Real dance fans assure that there is no such problem that it could not be overcome. That is, dance, of course. At least one dance in the world is created for you, at least one will solve your problems. And PICS.ru, of course, now will help you choose it.

Just choose what you lack.

There is not enough social life - Bugi-Vuy and Irish dances


In all sorts of circles and clubs in interest, compulsory projects often come up with and prescribe deadlines. You, in general, do not have anything against, just like the strength and time is missing, especially if you need to work on projects most of the time at home.

Exit for extrovert: club lovers Boogie Woogie . Funny dance, learns pretty simple and allows you to dance with a partner after learning a few movements. At the same time, the partner can choose anyone on the spot, do not be taken. Just feel rhythm and have fun!

Exit for introvert: Circle of Irish dance . It seems to be socially socially, because in the crowd, and it seems you should not contact anyone with anyone, look into the eyes, smile, touch ... In addition, most of the movements in classes and performances or the same as the rest, or repeated in a circle So you are not incurred by indispensability and do not come terrified from the pair of missed classes. And what are the then sharp caviar!

Lack of female power - Tribal and Belldens


Eternal supercopiness to make new people, mysteriousness, sexuality, soft power and anything so much. There are two simple options: classic pop belly danceExtravents, Tribal - introverts and principal feminists . The difference is that Belldens implies contact with the spectator - and, it means that the proposal of oneself (not necessarily erotic, of course), seductiveness and coquetry, and Tribal is a demonstration of his personal sexuality instead of a sensual call, the appeal inside his soul, the search for its own inner Forces. In both cases, by the way, the muscles, pelvis, abdomen and backs, eliminate the clamps and stagnation in these places well. For office workers - invaluable.

Not enough tactile sensations without consequences - Tango and Pole-Dance


What about tango ? Tactile hunger is saturated in a couple of weeks of classes, and no one expects that it will continue to have sex, breakfast in bed, planning a joint recreation, joining the joint economy, five children ... If you are confused by a minute, try to touch out a prayer man, try Quirtango For this, it is not necessary to even change the orientation or become in a pair of strictly with lesbians. In fact, initially Tango was exactly the same pair dance, and men's. According to the legend, the harsh Argentine Macho danced him with each other in the lobby of public houses to pass the time before his turn on his passion.

If you are introvert introvert, borrow with a blanket or warm shawy. By the way, solo dances involving Shawli exists abound. A B. Pole-Dance There is something to lose all body.

There is not enough space for emotion emissions - Rock and Rol and Flamenco

Selection of extroverts: acrobatic rock and roll . The same boogie-woogi, only in the profile: more difficult, requires greater returns and tension of muscles, and without teamwork with a partner can not do at all. But it looks more accurate. Wear for dance dress in the spirit of the fifties and feel yourself Oxana Akinshina from "Stylag"!


Select introverts: flamenco . According to legend, Spanish Roma initially used this dance in order to throw out in a single explosion of movements from themselves accumulated over the day of insults, frustration, anger and pain. It is even dancing traditionally with an exaggerated gestrate grimace. You, however, can refrain from it.

And both styles of dance will make your body work completely and at the maximum. Hi, beautiful figure!

Lack of beauty - Waltz and Menuet

Especially if in childhood he has shown in beauties from old Disney cartoons.


For an extrovert, it will be perfect, of course, waltz , and preferably slow. Once or twice or three, two-two-three, two-two-three ... In a lush skirt of a gentle color, you float over the parquet, as a flower fell in the stream in a stream of water stroit, and a strong male hand sticks you to the waist gently and firmly. Only imagined, and on the heart sweetly? Everything, you can continue to look. Run buy ballroom shoes. Yes, yes, for waltz amateurs there are not only dance competitions, but also just cute costume balls.

For introvert, the output will be minuet - There is not so close contact there, partners have only hands. And it is possible to dance for the soul on the same balas, where the waltz lover rushed.

Lack of glory - Hustle and Samba


On the corporate party and simple nickname will come up, but what if the party is really cool and with good dance music? At this case, the extrovert may learn Hustlu . It is light, free in the set of movements, is quite widely known and, if that, he can teach a partner right in place in five minutes. Liteller dance solo can play in the style of Brazilian Samba ; It can be accommodated almost under any fast music.

All! Choose and dance - as if no one sees how fashionably now advise.

Lilith Mazikina

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