The crisis of a third of life: when the future burst unnoticed


We all know about the crisis of the middle of life: this is when men begin to buy red racing cars and send obscene offers by 18 years in Tinder, and women put on micro-shorts and go to the Caribbean.

But few of us were one crisis - it turns out that something like that will wait for us much earlier. And, although the reasons for the crisis of a third of life are different, he also can stick not weakly. We recommend to raise straws, stock canned - and stand out.

When to expect?

The crisis of a third of life sneaks to us somewhere between 25 and 35 years, although small deviations from these framework are also possible. That is, you just have time to pass the earthly life about a third (although in the European tradition this moment is called for some reason the "quarter of life crisis", but it is somehow very optimistic).

Psychologists are confident that this crisis is the result of the transition to adulthood. In this phrase, you may have reread the beginning of the chapter and raised an eyebrow - transition to adult life at 35 years old? Come on!

But it is easy. In the past 15-20 years, the decrepity period stretched to unimaginable scales - there was still no such thing in the history of mankind. The standard of living has grown and parents can help their children almost anyhow for a long time - in essence, the elderly from the middle class do not need financial support to the Great Babies.

Medicine, cosmetology and fashion for smoothies, yoga and fitness bracelets allow us to look and feel at 20. The socially acceptable age of the first marriage and the appearance of the first child is constantly growing - in some countries it is already selected by 40 years. We are inconspicuous children in 20 years, young at 25 and young in 30. The more this is applicable to your situation, the later the crisis of a third of life will happen.

Why is this happening?

If the crisis of the mid-life is a longing from the fact that all the desired buns are obtained, and there is no happiness and youth leaves, then the crisis of a third of life is a confusion because nothing has been reached yet, but it's time to be determined with desires.

Until now, everything was more understandable and the plan did not cause any questions: finish school, then the university, then somewhere to work slightly, plus from the soul to have fun. But the points of the Plan are over, and you have no idea what is there next to the script.

It is expected that now you will begin to work seriously, and if you have already started to earn so much to have enough not only on Mojito and weekends in Budapest, but on the car, apartment and robot vacuum cleaner. It is expected that you know exactly what you will do to a pension - that's exactly what you do now. The search for yourself came to an end - and what, this is the best option? You are not sure about this. It is expected that you will marry this guy and start making babies. Well, or break up with him and immediately find someone you marry. You are not ready for anyone. It seems that everything around matured - besides you. And you need to urgently catch up with this outgoing train of adulthood, because the time has almost left almost left.

What to do?

Stop comparing yourself with others. First, just acknowledge - you do not know the feature about the life of others and how satisfied they are pleased. But while you are in the crisis, any comparison will not be in your favor, as you yourself want to believe that you are here the most important loser of the year. This is the easiest way - with a loser something to take? Secondly, it quickly turns into dependence.

Talk with peers. And then you will sit and cook in your own bowler, completely convinced that you are one such a fool's woman, and everyone else climbed to the top of the world. Making this conclusion on the basis of pictures in instagram and its own speculations at least rashly. You will be surprised how much around people with the same alarms.

Do not face hot. In any crisis, I want to do something like and smeared - go to sign up for the Rodeo on the bears, throw everything and go to the island of Komodo, go to the monastery or in the Porn-Industry. In a word, a person is waved to break and twist, because it seems that the more the event, the faster and tangible will be relieved. In fact, I will soon dry out, and problems and contradictions remain - only those who have recently arranged for themselves are added to them.

Smooth exit from the crisis implies a gradual revision of property. Netlands in the relationship - try to find a compromise and verify exactly what does not suit. Work causes nausea - look for a specific cause of this nausea, maybe she sits at the next table and you just need to go to another branch or at all for a remote.

Do not panic. You have already passed through a bunch of crises, even through a puberty - and nothing, alive, healthy. Your life does not collapse - it changes the course so much.

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