Oliver Sax about the most important things. Quotes


On Sunday, August 30, at the age of 82, a famous neurologist and writer Oliver Sax died. His books, only in the United States, were sold by millions of copies. He received about 10 thousand letters per year. And everything was answered personally to "addresses under 10 and older than 90".

We love his books for the fact that he shows his heroes people, not patients, sets of "defects". For what he talks about how to stay by a person when, it seems that the basis of the whole human - brain itself, consciousness - refuse and fill. And, of course, for the fact that his books are damn interesting! If you have never read Saks, be sure to read. In Russian published: "The man who took his wife behind the hat", "Anthropologist on Mars", "Eye of Mind", "Leg as a Point Support" other. In the meantime, PICS.ru will share with you quotes. "The most important sides of things are hidden from us by their simplicity and events." "What is the essence of the disease? How can I define a new disorder? Unlike a naturalist working with a whole range of various organisms averagedly adapted to the average environment, the doctor deals with a separate organism, a human subject that fights for self-preservation in a threatening situation. " "The life and feelings of the patient are directly related to the deepest problems of neurology and psychology, because there, where the person affects, the study of the disease is inseparable from the study of individuality and character." "In my opinion, the surgeon's work is very attractive, and above all - the immediate visibility of the results than other doctors cannot boast, and in particular neurologists, among whom I enter." "Psychiatry prefers to study the pathology" by kings and poets ". The harder and more wonderful building, the majestic and attractive ruins. " "The lack of human support is another test." "The will to being, to survival as a unique sovereign individual - the most mighty of our instinct. It is stronger than any impulses, stronger than the disease. Health, militant health, usually comes out the winner. " "A genuine understanding requires not an experiment, but contact." "The best medicine is work and love!" "How many strange tanks we thoughtlessly write off accounts as random and useless quirks of nature." "We pay too much attention to the defects of our patients and too little - on the preserved abilities." "What paradox, what cruelty and irony is that the inner life and the imagination of a person may not wake up if the drug or illness wakes them!" "Too often, vigorous people see nothing!" "... a person consists not only of memory. He also has feelings, will, susceptibility, morality - everything that neuropsychology does not do. " "He stood motionless, in full concentration, which is such a favorite picture of a person, with amazement and horror aware that it is not so and what to do. From this the real therapy begins! " "The face is the most reliable passport of our personality. Each of us has a face imprint and character - not in vain they say that by forty years, a person has the person he deserves. " "Losing a leg or eye, a person knows about it; Having lost the personality, it is impossible to know about it, because there is no one to realize the loss. " "All trouble begin when people forget about that. that they are people. "

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