12 questions that can be answered only by lies! In gifs


It happens, you go out of the house (on Monday or there, January 14) with a solid intention to lead pure, honest life and here Mom writes in FB: "And who photographed you so much?" Well, how not to lie here?

1. When someone strangely asks at the wedding of a friend: "True, a wonderful couple?"

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2. When relatives show you a newborn tribe and say: "Oh, tell me, because a pretty angel?"

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3. When your child is preparing dinner for the first time and asks: "Did you like it, yes?"

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4. When anyone asked: "How much do you give me years?"

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5. When a nasty colleague, for some reason it is interested: "Well, how do you like here?"

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6. When a friend asks you: "How do you like my story / script / drawing?"

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7. When your brother, who is always discovered from work, is interested in: "Listen, and you have no vacancy there?"

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8. When someone has a nudit and nudit, and the nudit, and then Edak turns Grozny: "Do you generally listen to what I'm talking!?"

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9. When you're shamefully late and suddenly get SMS: "Well, are you in place?"

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10. When a person you just met, falls out: "Che, Tusan, tonight?"

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11. When a friend of the sister of your friend suddenly cuts forward with: "Oh, and can I change here tomorrow?"

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12. When you had a disgusting day, and some kind of cheerful infection is interested in: "Hello, how are you !?"

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