Best 2015 Recipes according to


Whatever the past year was issued - but personally, it turned out to be delicious. We prepared from anything, under the most different angles and with a variety of mood - but always tried to be easy, original - and, of course, tasty!

If you missed something, catching our charts of tasty of that year - and let the new one in this sense bring progress!

Dish for breakfast: stuffed pears

Best 2015 Recipes according to 37222_1
Ingredients: On 1 large pear - a pair of sugar spoons, a pair of tablespoons of cottage cheese or gentle soft cheese, a slice of butter, a bit of crushed nuts, you can a little cinnamon or rosemary.

The process itself. We clean the pear, cut and cut out the core. In the pan melts the oil and pour sugar into it. When it dissolves, fry in this caramel of pears to pleasant goldenness. We lay out half on the plates, in the deepening put on the spoon of cottage cheese or cheese, then - nuts and seasonings, and we water the remaining caramel on top. Sustainable bliss!

Dish in a pot: Fondue manual cheese

Best 2015 Recipes according to 37222_2
Ingredients: Gram 700-800 Cheese "Fatty Brynza", along a small piece of any solid cheeses that bored in the refrigerator, a couple of white wine glasses, a couple of brandy glass, 4 tablespoons of flour, clove of garlic, can still be peppers.

The process itself. We rub the pot with garlic (from the inside, of course) and send in it the cheese and chopped with straw cheeses. There is also a diluted flour, alcohol and other useful additives. Unlike other "pots" dishes, it is not an oven, but sausages on a small fire with a periodic stirring. To the state of a pleasant homogeneity and endowed aroma. But then, when the family sits around the pot and take bread into it ... then it is already falling off in a state of complete nirvana!

Dish in sleeve for baking: goose with apples

Best 2015 Recipes according to 37222_3
Ingredients: Goose medium fatness, a few apples, bulbs, garlic head, a half lemon, laurel salt-spice.

The process itself: We rub our bird with salt, spices and garlic. We cut down onions, carrots, the remaining garlic - and we are moving ... where it will turn out. Generously water the lemon, a couple of hours hold it in the refrigerator, and itself in the black body. Then face it, the birthplace, apples, in the sleeve and in the oven degrees for 200. After one and a half or two hours, it is all yours. Want to provide it with a crust - cut the sleeve for 15-20 minutes before readiness.

Dish "hot": sharp shrimps with mango

Ingredients: Mango, gram 400 thick shrimps, lemon, olive oil, salt, 4 teaspoons of ground black pepper. You can use all sorts of greens and seeds for decoration.

The process itself. Purified mango cut into large pieces and fry on olive oil - a pair of minutes on each side. Our seafood is neatly lower on sticks, let's satisfy and pretty pepper. Now they inscribe them there, only a little longer (minutes for 4 on each side). We put shrimp on the pieces of mango, splashing oil, decorated with green onions, rosa, almond - or the heart will ask. And warming up in Vietnamese!

Vegetable dish that does not require meat: Moroccan Eggplants

Best 2015 Recipes according to 37222_5
Ingredients: A pair of eggplants, orange, a pair of garlic cloves, a pair of honey spoons, half lemon, a bit of ginger, olive oil, pepper salt, spices (zira, quinent), greens.

The process itself. Sliced ​​oranges fry on the grill. We do the same with eggplants, lubricated oil. Grinding ginger with garlic mix with honey and lemon juice, add spices. We pour the half a cup of water, boil into the sauce to place eggplants with oranges and a little later, while they do not absorb it. Story! Eastern.

Lazy Dish: Spanish Trochilla

Best 2015 Recipes according to 37222_6
Ingredients: Several major potatoes, bulbs, bell pepper, a couple of garlic pieces, egg heels, greens, vegetable oil, salt-pepper.

The process itself. Chopped onion onions fry, then add chopped garlic to it, we cook a little more, then pepper cut into the same slices - and a little more. Now the potato time has come. Potatoes scams are not ready (5 minutes), attaching to the "colleagues" in a frying pan - and fry an even about the same. Now flood eggs - whipped, saved and arched greens. And in the oven for minutes at 20. Feeding a dish, remind those present that Julian Semenova was passionately wanted to Stirlitz, and the hostess of the institution he says: "We do not prepare a crook. It is necessary to be able to! " But you - you know how!

Turkish Pumpkin Lemon Dessert

Ingredients: On Kilo Pumpkins - gram 200 sugar, grams of 100 crushed nuts, lemon.

The process itself. Pumpkin, freed from all extra, cut into small cubes. We lay out into the form, add sugar - and the crushed lemon released from the skirts. We send to the heated oven for half an hour, we try, if necessary, add sugar and tomis a little more without a lid. Decorating nuts. You can use dried fruits, type of raisin, and with cream. In any case, it turns out a true celebration holiday!

Cake, not requiring oven: Lazy "Napoleon"

Best 2015 Recipes according to 37222_8
Ingredients: A pack of waffle cakes, sheltered sweet crackers, a bank of condensed milk, sheltered sour cream, a glass of sugar, a bag of vanilla sugar, half a cup of walnuts. Plus three tablespoons of cocoa powder, as much sugar and a piece of butter - for glaze.

The process itself. Sour cream whipped with sugar, nuts are crushed into the crumb. Now we build a house: Korzh - condensed milk - cookies - sour cream cream - nuts - and then by the same scheme. Cocoa with sugar weaving with water, bring to a boil, then add butter - and we water this icing of the upper korgin. Now in the refrigerator for the night - and let everyone dream of tomorrow's unearthly pleasure!

Delicious with ice cream: fried caramel bananas

Best 2015 Recipes according to 37222_9
Ingredients: A cup of vanilla ice cream, a banana (not too soft), a piece of butter, a pair of sugar tablespoons, can float chocolates, a little almond or cinnamon.

The process itself. Banana cut into pieces of medium thickness. In a preheated pan, we melt the oil, we add sugar to it and mix until it darkens. Now there is a sliced ​​banana - and fry a couple of minutes, turning over. We lay out on a dish or in the creams, I plucked the ice cream there, we decorate all this on top of it than it is melted chocolate, nuts or cinnamon.

Warming Drink: Coffee Mulled wine

Ingredients: 300 ml of welded coffee, a bottle of red wine, a glass of brandy, 150 grams of sugar, a couple of citruses and a zest from them, you can literally a couple of cloves.

The process itself. Coffee is heating the degrees to 80, we pour wine to it, then cognac, then we fall asleep sugar and zest, we water all this with cloves. And now on slow fire let it all should warm and reunite. But, of course, do not boil that, as we remember, is the great rule of any right mulled wine. Disadvised by the kitchen? It's time to pour, decorate the fruit, warm and cheer!

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