6 sad books about medicine written by doctors


It so happened that Russian doctors wrote the centuries wrote books. And these books were good, because the doctor in Russia is not science, not craft and not medicine. It is always a struggle.

You understand perfectly what we are.

Vintage Veresaev. Notes of the doctor

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Veresaev was an offacarious doctor, militaryheavers on two wars - Japanese and imperialist. But even before them, in 1900 he wrote the "Note of the doctor" - the text, wasted in the tradition of the Great Russian literature, quite verbose, long, full of love tray and disputes about the fate of the Motherland.

There is not a lot of medicine actually, but full-full of Zemstvo life. The peasants with sincere angry belong to the urban doctor, who came to pay them, and hate all progress and interference in their lives. And experienced provincials to the university enthusiasm include condescending contempt: "Nothing, contemplating."

Well, and medical cases, occasionally falling in the "notes" would put even Dr. Haus in a dead end. Yes, they didn't just put in a dead end, and they would make it cry, run.

"Two weeks ago called the River Chubarov to the old woman alone; It turned out to be dysentery. He prescribed her medicine, and besides, the carboles to pour into the exhaust place. The old woman is holy and reason: why "the drug" in such a place to pour? Yes, a cup of solo and enough. Well, by the evening, of course, lay under the images. The next day comes a doctor, the people gathered, surrounded him and began to massacre; They beat him, Beii - Nasil the police took away. "

Michael Bulgakov. Notes of a young doctor

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Absolutely classic text, perfect, laconic, emotional, infinitely young and smart. A completely young doctor, a university graduate, comes to the terrible wilderness - to a rural hospital, where patients are brought by a sledge (in the Russian province, winter, snow, wolves and night) for a hundred miles. He straightened, brave, well, or at least knows how to suppress his fear, inquisitive and sincerely believes in the oath of hippocrat. But to withstand all this, of course, is impossible. Actually, so the book next to the "notes" is "morphine".

"Only on candy boxes draw such children - the hair themselves from nature go into large rings of color ripe rye. Eyes blue, huge, puppet cheeks. Angels have so painted. But only a strange torture nested at the bottom of her eye, and I realized that this fear was nothing to breathe. "She will die in an hour," I thought completely confidently, and my heart was painfully squeezed. "

Archibald Cronin. Citadel

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The famous British writer who wrote several books about hard life in interwar england. "Citadel" - a book about the doctor who needs to break between the need to save the lives of miners and the need to obtain a permanent wealthy clientele. The publication of this novel served as one of the reasons for creating a national health system - one, by the way, from the most effective in the world. But in interwar times, everyone had about the same way as we.

"You do not prevent you from knowing a few things about this place. You will see that it does not meet the best romantic traditions. There is no hospital, no ambulance, nor x-rays - nothing. When the patient needs an operation, it is done on the kitchen table, and then wash your hands in the dish. "

Julius Cherlin. Surgeon

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The famous Soviet doctor who wrote several novels about physicians and medicine. These books have advocated thousands of people to come to medical and devote themselves to this high ministry. At the same time, Clerein just wanted not to serve, but norms as far as possible from his books.

Hero of the story "Surgeon" - Head of the Department in the hospital. The world in the face of Patorga, Moscow and the county authorities want him and all his employees showed daily work heroism. The hero wants normal daily work: so that the surgeon cut, the nurse cared for the sick, soap cleaner Paul, laundry washed underwear and all would have paid normal money for it. In Soviet times - real Kramol. As now, however.

"Yes, what kind of damn one is somehow! At the meeting, no one needs to chase, the oxygen run to the street itself, there is no respiratory equipment. What is this mockery! In Tabor Lead. I will treat and wander with them. Calculate how many meetings we have, seminars, classes, schools, then we must teach someone, then in civil defense, then by the line of sanitary literacy, then the hell knows what! And I have a patient heavy on the table lies. "

Maxim Osipov. "Sin complain"

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Cardiologist Maxim Osipov, who returned to America, returned to Russia in the nineties and engaged here with publishing business, and already in zero left for a county hospital in Tarusa, after which he wrote a few sensational essays that came out with a separate book. He found himself in a very interesting position: a provincial cardiologist sees all the people and the rich, and poor, and the strongest, and completely spoke.

The book is crazy, but absolutely mandatory for reading.

"The first and most terrible: in patients, and many doctors have two feelings, the fear of death and dislike for life are strongest. Thought up the future do not want: let everything remains in the old way. Not life, but to live. On holidays are having fun, drink, sing songs, but if you look into your eyes, then you will not find any fun there. Critical aortic stenosis, you need to make an operation or do not lie in the hospital. - What am I dying? - Well, yes, it turns out that dying. No, I don't want to die, but also go to the regional center, seek, fuss - too. "I have already 55, I was already energized." - What do you want? - Disability: I want to group. "

Maxim Malyavin. "Note of the psychiatrist or all haloperidol at the expense of the institution"

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The only truly optimistic book is in our list.

A psychiatrist from Samara began blogging a few years ago, achieved a big interest of readers, published a book, and even more, probably, the benefit of the material is a buzz. This is actually in pure form published blog. Little cute stories about psychos and about how psychiatrists are preparing, so that they themselves do not become patients. Pure optimism, minimum reflection, very funny jokes. Say, do not worry, citizens: We will give you the "kniscules" to the bed, we will make a collapse in the ass and everything will be very, very good.

"Taking a violent patient on the next call, the car took the course on the madhouse. All the way, the Sanitars were attempted to limit the ladies in the cabin, because the mating did not take. For those who do not know: mating is a few meters of flannel fabric, folded and stolen in the form of a thick harness. They replace such a useful thing, but the thing has gone in history, like a strait shirt. Feldscher decided that without a pair of aminazine cubes, there was no way, scored a syringe and joined the team. Now one of the Sanitars tried to keep the patient for his arms, the other - for his feet, and the Feldsher - to talk her ass and make a healing injection. The needle pierced soft fabrics, the lady was crammed with amazement and soulful trepid, and the villains of the male flew to the sides, the sharp swallows. "

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