When your girl is asshole: 10 species signs


There are several types of women from which it is worth staying away. For example, a woman, whom all should be on the fact of the presence of an uncomplicated engineering design.

Or, let's say a mental woman who stands in a breathtaking black underwear (to add diversion to your sex life) on the roof of the skyscraper (to jump if this diversity is no longer interested). But in the yellow T-shirt leader on the finish line comes out a female asshole. Run, Forest.

She mimicry

And hides its species signs. In female assholes, as a rule, the external control locus is, that is, it is important for them to appear on the side of a gentle flower and allegedly embarrassed to cry down under the applause. Therefore, inexperienced applicants need to be approached carefully, looking after a safe distance, is not hidden under the pink petals of the body of Gabon Vijuki. But not the fact that it will help. Being brought to clean water, Reptile is wildly indignant, raises a storm in the desert and leads twenty witnesses who will publicly infer what it is, in fact, you asshole.

She does not recognize its own wrong

Whatever happens - she will unpuck until the last. If you stop it to the wall irrefutable evidence, it simply escapes, dissolved in dusk. Or it will try to destroy you at least morally, but better - an ax. It is useless to put pressure, appeal to logic, mind or heart. Pronounce phrase: "I'm sorry, I was wrong," the Mudak girl does not allow the structure of the jaw.

She uses its field as indulgence

She is a woman (three exclamation signs). So, it can not be scolded. It is impossible to put it on it. It is impossible to raise my voice. And the man must apologize to her. Even if she shot him in his head from a pump rifle

She acts on the principle of "All you say can be used and will be used against you"

Therefore, with such a woman it is very difficult to be friends (and living - all the more). Any of your revelation, with the case, will turn against you either in your favor, or just for entertainment. It is funny to watch a fly with a torn paws spinning on the table and buzzes desperately. Especially if the fly is trying to find salvation in a vest at the vivisector.

She can not tolerate everyone who is more beautiful, talenter or lucky

She, of course, thoroughly hides, but periodically falls, a voluptuously telling with a common acquaintance, like the beautiful N my husband wures up. How do she know such details? See clause 4 - Beauty N Miscelled Girlfriend.

She is completely devoid of empathy

She can do anything - to substitute, humiliate, deceive, betray and never feel guilty. Because it doesn't know how to put yourself in place of another, but a good fantasy convincingly explains the conscience, why that you need to sleep well.

She loves someone to suffer

Ideally, a man, in an absolute ideal - because of her. But the girlfriend will also fit. The female asshole knows that the word can be killed, waits a good moment and shoots so as to apply the most painful injury. Then the established design is usually used: "Oh, probably, it was not worth it."

She is master manipulation

Usually it works through the feeling of guilt. Workso works. For example, she started his lover, her husband learned and left. What does our heroine do? She falls with a heart attack. And almost dying (even the "ambulance" could not be called). And the husband somehow automatically thinks that she got excited, in families anything happens, it was not necessary to leave, it's not good, forgive me, baby, let's measure pressure.

She has no female solidarity

Girlfriends are needed solely as a suite. And the women, in general, our heroines are perceived as a competitor in the corpsiest - it is that and the case does a metaphorical broken glass in the metaphorical pointes. This is the most woman who can pronounce: "It was not necessary to wear a short skirt - then they would not be raped."

She is aggressive

You may not know about this years. Or know, but to write off on choleric temperament, PMS, poor mood and phases of the moon. But it is necessary to you by chance (or intends, suddenly you too - an asshole) to go to her the road, then a poisonous fountain, who immediately scores from social networks, could make all the Amazon forests for a fifteen minutes. We'll have to stand for a long time under the shower, shudderingly, and then wash the monitor with a chlorine.


The material is compiled on the example of an ideal spherical girl-asshole in vacuum. For any coincidences with their readers and employees, the editors of PICS are not responsible.

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