Feelings and sensitivity: 5 strengths of highly emotional people


These are from other failures and small joy of life. And you have tragedies and triumphs, no less. You can sparkle, looking at the weather, or go to Euphoria, playing five minutes with a kitten. In short, you are very sensitive, and for sure this fragility is pretty spoils your life. But sensitivity has its own bright parties.

You are born

Sensitivity is not grown - it is given to us together with the color of the eyes and hair. In sensitive people, the so-called mirror neurons responsible for empathy are really more active - and researchers observed this effect on MRI, comparing the reaction of different people to emotional photos.

And no, you can't "just take yourself in hand" - well, no more than anyone can consciously slow down the heart rate or disable some receptors in the brain.

You can't cute with your emotions, not because you are a weak and rag, but because you have these emotions an order of magnitude more than others. Actually, one of this fact makes you strong - most of the emotion would overwhelm in a couple of days.

And, by the way, you are not so rare - you can call one person out of five highly sensitive.

You are very attentive to the world

Highly sensitive people are not only roar over Hachiko and shoe nose to especially picturesque sunsets. Sensitivity also allows you to notice much more details of the surrounding world, and this also applies to the shades of interpersonal relationships and the implicit beauty of the family of the Mustache on Hemp to the location of the nearest refueling on the Moscow-Peter and the fire exit from the theater.

You are awesome friend

Studies clearly demonstrate the connection of sensitivity with empathia, that is, the ability to empathize. And a friend who is able to not just nod to someone's outpouring, but also really understand that a person feels - the real treasure. Such a friend can actually be sad and rejoice with neighbor, and not just watch.

You have no weak creative deposits

Attention to the details plus a hurricane of emotions - artists, poets, photographers, musicians and writers are obtained from such a knead.

You are very responsible

And again, empathy and attention to the details come to the scene. Yes, the harm and the ability to consider any phenomenon in all projections lead to the fact that sometimes even simple decisions have approximately eternity. But your solutions are perfectly balanced and calculated, take into account not only your interests, but also the interests of others.

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