Senior children vs. Younger children: who is who?


What do you think: who should be funny, and who is more confused - older or younger? He, we argue on a hundred bucks - depends on who you were: senior or younger.

10 arguments for seniority

one. When the game is in hockey, it's extremely younger at the gate. Not the older there to become! Accordingly, the puck of the muzzle gets no senior. When distributing the roles of "our" and "enemies", an enemy role will also probably get to someone who cannot fight off from it.

2. If you are a senior, in any fight - at least on swords, even on the pillows - you will go out the winner. Even if the trifle is lit up and jumping will be illuminated by a tricky way to get from the rear. Because you are also smarter - and then you can change the rules on the go!

3. It is not a measure of a defined inhabitant of a stroller, you can propagally slightly drop on the lawn or on concrete. Well, type is inappropriate. Then they, damaged, usually grow very smart - what you feel and your merit.


four. Major perceive longer as a child. With decreasing suffixes and non-surveynes. And psychological pleasantness in this appear far from immediately. In the teanage age it just infuriates, infuriates, infuriates.

five. The youngest often has to lead the already buried clothes and things - and it appears sad thoughts from this, like the baby - about the prospect of the dismissed of the fraternal wife.

6. Teases: "Malyavka-Shmakodka!" Or the argument: "Yes, you are still green to argue with me, Baby!" - Iron and indisputable. The timid attempts to answer the "Dilda" are simply miserable and untenable. Ho ho-ho. Go to sleep, kid, your childhood ended.

7. You are older, it means you are the main, and the whole tale. You are cooler. This is also a win-win argument, even if the trifle has the impudence in something to try to eclipse. Try, try, jumping through the head. I, experienced wolf, your swells are already funny.


eight. Even if you are not a special hero and genius, you in any case want to be proud of. In any case, in any case, look at the bottom and somehow orient. It stimulates.

nine. You can come to the parental meeting of the younger instead of Pope, to take him (the younger) on a circle or where - and proudly feel like a man, almost the father of the family. Girls are looking interested and blurred. True, if you yourself a girl, somehow not so cool when you may suspect in such early maternity.

10. Already in the grieving, but not yet completely pleasant condition, the junior periodically comes to an experienced senior. For psychotherapy and wise advice. Sit, Baby, now I will tell you, naive, for this difficult life! ..

10 arguments for the infinity

one. To whom was lucky to be an older sister - that one bit off a little childhood and instead of a few motherhood. Outside the window with skumps jump, and you wipe it snot. Outside the window in the Cossacks, the robbers chasing, and you wash your ass. Instead of enjoying a bright life and fast effectful youth.

2. The first in the family is tormented by increased attention. First boiling diapers, then the day by the day, then enhanced jogging math. The second is already getting stronger. Third and then - generally grow like grass. Did you take a cat? Okay, will not disappear in life.


3. If a little suddenly neglected with any of them (and you never know that it would come to the head of these bees!), And then the assault detachment from Mom and grandmother broke into the room - you, the older, will definitely arrive on the top of the top. Because you are clearly "little offend"! And from the height of your departure, it's quite nice to see how this calarant is lacking prophylactically. For nonfig.

four. If the junior something did something, who is to blame? That's right, senior. Underwent. If the younger did not learn her homework and scalked "a couple", who is a fool? Of course, the elder. Did not prepare lessons with the heir.

five. The older constantly say that it should be smarter. In fact, this means some continuous eastern practice of complete self-religion and self-restraint, self-awareness and self-in-e-hungry-mittens. All this time, the youngest can practice the hedonism and the principles of these ... like their ... novice.

6. But this murderous chute: "You must be an example!"?! It is clear that this is standard manipulation - and I would like to score on it ... But - Grr!


7. If he has something in the yard in the yard, he immediately begging: "I will give birth to an older brother, he will give you!" And calling. Go confirm the status ... Even if on TV at this time the football championship. And if you are not so powerful? And roll out yourself with a slid? This is a shame-shame. The older can not be. Yours, you, monoma hat ...

eight. When Small is growing so much that it starts to equal to the sizes, you no longer have your own things. Forget about the new player. Forget about a pure sweater. General forget about the concept of private property. The principle of the Gypsy family "Whoever got up, that beautifully dressed everyone" Begins to work for some reason all the time against you.

nine. Looking from the height of his tedious maturity on his foals of joy, you experience the sadness of the turtle of Tortila. Won it is furious, infection! And you already: the status does not allow ... Health to Khe-Khe ... You can no longer make so many pleasant nonsense that this goat only opens for yourself. Also, the Christmas trees!

10. When parents begin the problems, the main responsible for any elder is made. Even if the younger is already three times higher than in two - earnings. "Responsibility" ... Here is a key word, the value of which you never forget, if you just managed to be born before the rest!

So, PICS.RU survey showed that in the question "Who is still the same" for each argument "for" you can find the argument "against". To whom still compete, and whom to envy? Maybe those who are lucky to be born media - and they were able to use the benefits of small, and the benefits of big? ;)

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