Plasticine dreams Tatyana Lazaruk: Exhibition in Tel Aviv


We have already written about Artist Tatiana Lazaruk, which makes incredible plasticine paintings. Plasticine fairy tale continues! And if you want to see everything live (and completely accidentally find yourself in Tel Aviv), you can do this from April 7 to 25 at the Jaffa Museum.

The word Tatiana himself:

After a year of practice, I decided to work with a polymer clay - you can make real pictures that are stored for a long time, in contrast to plasticine. I make portraits, plots from life and from fantasy, illustrate our thoughts, often inspired by the works of other authors - both famous artists and beginners.

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On April 17, an exhibition of plasticine art will open in Tel Aviv (Museum of Jaffa), in which 5 of my works will take part: Triptych about the wolfs, the portrait of Frida Calo and the decorative composition that I called the "world to creating a person."

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I did not refuse to work completely from working with Plasticine - I make photo cooling, for example, recently illustrated the fairy tale of the St. Petersburg poet, written on the motives of the folk fairy tale. I generally love working with book plots. I have a lot of fans in Hispanic countries - I understand that in their culture such stylistics is very popular. I even began to study Spanish, and I also inspire a lot of Latin American culture and dream to illustrate some of the books of Marquez.


But the Assol and her father, they generally got themselves

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I also wanted to share knowledge with others: now I teach to sculpt young children. We make pictures, brooches, rings and other things. They really like that, in contrast to plasticine, they can store their works and they do not suffer from time to time.

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Here is a link to the store: Tanin Plasticine

But the picture is specifically for us!


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