Top 10 fairy tales who scare parents, and children normul


Having matured, we begin to read your children's books that our parents read us. And we look at many fairy tales. Once cute plots are revealed as absolutely wild stories with overwhelming will finals. We have gathered a dozen most terrible children's books from the point of view of an adult reader.

10. Town in Tabakcoque. Vladimir Odoevsky

Opens a short list of psychedelic stories a tale written by a high calm. Patek, Mama, polite bows, this is all. A little curious boy gets inside tobaccochka and observes a surreal world, in which the boys-bells have something in vain beating the uncle-hammers, which are ruled by the lesion-roller. And cares for all cynical spring. In an adult population, this story causes attacks of suffocation. And the children are nothing, perfectly fall asleep.

9. Black chicken or underground residents. Anthony Pogorelsky

Which of us did not dream of doing nothing and get some five in school? Sell ​​the soul of the devil, and go ahead! In the performance of Anthony, a black chicken, an ambassador of the Underground Kingdom. Alyosha's boy received hemp grains in exchange for preserving the mystery of underground residents. While the grains with Alesh, he - Lomonosov. Not teaches anything, but responds to excellent. But under the pressure of the pedcob, the guy passed all. In general, uncomfortable in front of the underground residents came out.

8. Boy star. Oscar Wilde

This is a useful, instructive tale of a tale of high origin, which was brought up in the family of a simple logger. She was still a boy tortured half the animals in the forest. But after rejected his own mother, the boy became terrible as the toad, it was cooled and went halled down the world with the desire to pour forgiveness. The guy suffered in full, but it turned out. The boy star clearly showed that you can fix everything with good deeds. He even became a good and wise ruler. In this list, the fairy tale came because of his final: "But he ruled it for a long time. It was too great that his flour were, he was tested too hard - and after three years he died. And the successor to him was tyrant. " Oscar, for what?

7. Mermaid. Hans Christian Andersen

This story is terrible than the older reader. Disney cartoons are not here, we are only about the original Danish storyter. What flour pulled a poor girl for this goat? Yes, this is not a fairy tale, but harsh reality, worthy of Oscar-free film. Moreover, the prince will be a handsome such as Brad Pitt, and the Losen's Deligious Laurens.

6. Gutta-first boy. Dmitry Grigorovich

In the seventh place is a sad story about a small circus acrobat. The eight-year-old boy, the coat fell into the circus troupe not in his will. Here he was kept in a black body, forced to do the dangerous tricks in the arena. Let's not talk than it turned out. Who read, he remembers. And who is not yet, it will be useful to read this heartbaking story.

5. Cossack and Witch. Russian folktale

Loved the soldiers in Russia. These craftsmen who served their quadruple on the call. The return home of the elderly demobels has become a popular theme of the folk folklore. So in this fairy tale. She walked a man across the village, asked to spend the night, and there are all the inhabitants in fear. The witch, they say, must come this night, pick up the deubsions to eating. The soldiers sat down for the family and delivered the village from the Witch. Without dismember, as you understand, it did not cost.

4. Red shoes. Hans Christian Andersen

The story of a girl who did not listen to his elderly guardian. She did not tell her to go to the church in the red shoes, but the girl was bent his own, for which he paid. The poor fell cursed and wished her all the time tackval in these shoes, and could not remove them. It is so tired girl that she asked the executioner to cut off her legs together with shoes. Maneuver worked, the spell was gone.

3. Bear - a lime leg. Russian folktale

Opens the top three fairy tale about a bear. What to say, they knew how our ancestors wrote cruel fairy tales. Bear, he is on the Bear to hunt, steal the turnip from the garden and justify its status of a large, dangerous beast. In this fairy tale, Potapicha got, and in a perverted form, with a description of terrible details. In childhood it seemed that it was necessary. He stole a turnip - get in turnip. And now it seems that the cruelty of punishment does not comply with the crime.

2. Gorky smoke. Sergey Kozlov.

In second place is a gloomy, Buddhist story, where the hedgehog in a dream is talking to the leaves in the forest. And immediately with all the leaves at the same time. For a child, this is an absolutely normal story. In childhood, all objects are potentially alive for us and are about to speak. And you read this fairy tale, scratching a graying beard, and you think like that hedgehog: "Scary. It is terribly to remain the last sheet. Everyone flew away. Everybody's Free. Are you alone…"

1. Puppy and snake. Sergey Mikhalkov

The leader of our cracked hit parade was the shortest fables of the famous children's writer Sergey Mikhalkov. So short that we will give it completely. No comments. It was offended by a puppy on old friends and ran the new look. She got out in the forest from under the rotten hemp Snake, curled the ring and watches the puppy in the eye. - Here you look at me and you are silent ... And everyone grits me at home, growling and gavit! - said the snake puppy. "Everyone is taught me, work in: and Barbos, and a ball, and even a sauna. I'm tired of listening to me! .. While the puppy complained, the snake was silent. - Will you go to my friends? - asked the puppy and jumped off hemp on which it was sitting. Snake turned around and stung a puppy. Silently. To death

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