10 Fairy Tale Movies, which will love not only to children


If we like the blood and battle of the dragons, it does not mean that we are all kind of feeling and stretched to the soul to old good fairy tales. Still as though! And behind you pull.

How to Train Your Dragon

USA, 2010, Director - Chris Sanders

How to Train Your Dragon

The gyric and treached loser from the village of brave Vikings completely accidentally stumbles on a dragon, which brings horror to the entire district, and, looking after it finds out that he is not so terrible. Very pretty and touching story, and the dragon, clearly drawn from the cat, is completely clean.

The jungle book

USA, 2016, Director - John Favro


In essence, it is a practically sump destination of the old Disney cartoon, only much more is more likely, more beautiful, technologically, and beasts - well, just like real!

Oz: Great and Horrible

USA, 2013, Director - Sam Reiimi

10 Fairy Tale Movies, which will love not only to children 37204_3

Another interpretation of the book of Frank Baum about the wizard from Oz. The wrath of the magician is transferred to the Magic Kingdom and quickly understands that it can easily poison the naive local head with its tricks. But if the lacean is easier to hold simple, then the sorcerers that divide spheres of influence in the country are not such a fool.


USA, 2015, director - Kenneth Brahn


This rest for those who believe that there is nothing to redo the fairy tales on modern way and engage in every place there postmodernism. Very beautiful and very girl literal screening of a classic fairy tale with a luxurious dress, a harmful stepmother and a pancake fairy godfather. It is impossible not to mark Cinderella sisters - they turned out very steep here.

Mirror mask

United Kingdom, 2005, Director - Dave McKin


Helen was born in a circus family and at 15 years old raised quite expected riot against parental authority. But after the next scandal, Mom Helen got sick, and strange dreams about the magic country, the queen of which, like Mom Helen, began to dream of the Majan. The dreams are repeated and Helen begins to seriously doubt that this is such dreams.

Big and kind giant

US United Kingdom, 2016, Director - Stephen Spielberg

big and kind giant

Little Sophie is found with a giant who takes it into his giant country. But not at all with bad intentions. The remaining giants may, and evil, and this one comes against the system and creates exceptionally good, such a character.

Dark starts: gold compass

USA, 2007, Director - Chris Wezz

Golden compass

This film could be the beginning of the series and remove Harry Potter, but, alas, the studio went bankrupt - and what a pity! Very unloud, to put it mildly, the story in the style of Steampunk about the world, where the souls of people are in animal names, the world rules the harsh inquisition, and the power of good ride on reasonable armored bears. And all this was played by the golden composition - in the credits Nicole Kidman, Deniel Craig, Eva Green and other well-deserved.

Where the monsters live

USA, 2009, Director - Spike Jones


A pretty story about how a naughty boy (a real little Pascuit, I must say) runs away from the house and accidentally falls on the island, inhabited by monsters, which are much more like kids, but in general they are good inside. In the era of 3D, Jones took off a completely analog doll film - and he only won it.

star dust

USA, 2007, Director - Matthew Von


In Love Durge Tristan promises his beloved star from the sky (well, naturally). The trouble is that ati star falls not somewhere, but in the magic country. But gave the word - keep. And Tristan eats for thirty lands in the fabulous kingdom, where all the witches, pirates and wizards.

Endless story

USA-Germany, 1984, director - Wolfgang Petersen

endless story

The magic country is a fantasy (which is ruled, which is characteristic, a little girl) will soon disappear from the face of the earth - her borders surround a terrible none, generated by pragmatism and unfulfilled dreams. Fortunately, the boys named Bastian, who is still a vote and a fessel person. The glorious fairy tale that dream is not harmful.

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