Why we can not tolerate Russian cinema


Support the Russian manufacturer is very difficult, especially the manufacturer of film products. And the idea is secondary, and the heroes are wandering, and the costumes with the grima are anachronic, and the dialogs seemed to be recorded for residents border with China zone.

But, every time, buying a film ticket for the premiere of the next Russian novelty, we, like, we give a chance to a creative group: we believe and hope. And they again - the same trichat drama, only in the profile.

The first act

Sits on the Patos Canal Patosic Executive Producer. And the trembling owners are sitting opposite and watch the producer in the mouth. "I have insight," says producer, "and let's make a movie about Kakaha." - Brilliant! - They say the owners of production - this is a bomb! - They say the owners of production. - It is high time! - They say the owners of production. - Kakahi, definitely, smell like a hit, - decide everything and diverge.

Act two

The owner is produced by trembling hands picks up a script phone. "Hello," says the owner of the procurement, "I must send you money there now." And, by the way, do you want to write about Kakahi? 24 series, 48 ​​minutes, Patos Canal. - About what? - Jacks the screenwriter. - About Kakaha! - with pressure repeats the owner of the production. - Good topic. Actual.

- What is the genre? - asks the screenwriter, pretending that he is not in a * ye. And he is not in a * ye, in fact, because you used. "Well," sighs the director of production, "which genre ... Well, some genre, certainly." So that it was ridiculous, and the tears let the adventures. Just more careful, we have no budget. - At all there is no budget? - Screenwriter strains. - Well, not that ... - The director of production plays in the scallop, but small. - Is there still introductory? - sighs the screenwriter and opens the Word.

- Yes! One of the skates will play singers. So he should like. Let his kakaha be muscular and noble. And the second Kakaya will be a wonderful actress, but she is forty-five, so without bed scenes, beat my eyes without bed. - Dedine when? - The screenwriter asks one hand, and the second hand writes its half that the birthday of Half will celebrate without him. - Yesterday, - whispers director of production.

And adds a suddenly strengthened voice, - but it should be a bomb! - That is, I really understand what you need to write a bomb about Kakai, the genre is unknown, until the morning? "You can up to lunch," the producer is generously responsible.

Act Third

- It's wonderful, I did not doubt you! We are all very hooked, a wonderful story! - Writes the director of the selling screenwriter, - but let's rewrite everything. Look, let Kakaha come to conquer Moscow from the province. - But how, Holmes? - Do not stand the screenwriter. - Kakaha must initially sit or in the sewage, or in the Kremlin - otherwise it is Kakaha? "We will have a cochah-cinderella, this is the requirement of the channel," raises the voice director of production.

And the screenwriter is silent, because the "Channel Requirement" is such an argument, like a nuclear bomb. "And this," adds the director of production, "you have a broken aquarium there, take away. Beat aquariums is very expensive, production will not approve. - And singers are not expensive? - Do not stand the screenwriter. - And singers are the requirement of the channel, - not without pleasure, he finishes a sharp shovel of the screenwriter of the director of production.


- I liked the pilot !!!! - Writes the scriptwriter the director of production, generously scattering exclamation marks. - Solved, remove! Only we have problems with the budget, therefore: Nature is 10%, and 90% is a pavilion. Three locations: Kakaha Apartment, Cochai and Cafe. So remake under these conditions. - You, as a result, determined the genre like action! - Makes the last desperate attempt to the screenwriter. - Well, yes, - the director of the production center. - Let in the office fight. Only the aquariums are not Bay.

After Titra

- Well, Pi *** C, "says the viewer, sprinkling in a bottle of beer. - Again, our shit was removed.

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