6 reasons why we are ill and which are not aware


You, by chance, is not that special, which falls literally every year, until all around the health? Do you suffer the entire cold-influenza season with a cough, a runny nose and a common feeling of fatigue and lack of energy?

If this is all about you, and you would like to know a few simple tricks to stop such a disgrace ... read on.

Here are some of the main reasons for which we ill.

Lack of vitamin D.

Presumably, 50% of adults suffer from vitamin D deficiency. This is not an ordinary vitamin, this is, in fact, a steroid hormone, which is normal to produce from regular stay in the sun, and not get from food.

The best way to find out whether you have a vitamin D and how much you need to - pass the tests.

Lowing the level of vitamin D, you will not only support your health and vitality in the flu season and cold, but you can also prevent many other chronic diseases - cardiovascular and autoimnuna, as well as enjoy immunity to infectious diseases.

Water scarcity

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We are a society with chronic dehydration. We drink too much that is not pure water. Gazirovka, fruit juices, milk (cow or vegetable origin), sports cocktails and so on. The fact that we drink all this does not mean that we normally replenish our water balance.

We know that two-thirds consist of water, but do you know that if you count on molecular composition, then in fact water is 99% of our body? How can any of the systems of your body function as follows without the right water balance?

Your blood circulation system is responsible for the transfer of substances throughout the body. She takes superfluous. Your respiratory system consists of organs responsible for the oxygen fence and carbon dioxide release. That is, you breathe it to live. Your digestive system, excretory system, nervous system and skeleton - the whole of your body performs important work and needs it in water.

Not in juice or gas. Just in the water.

How can we expect that your body can cope with cold, flu or microbes, if you do not give him such a simple and necessary thing?

If only you do not live in the countries of the Third World, where to get clean water is a problem, then you can start to help you seriously. Even now right now.

Not very good food

If there is too many refined sugar in your diet and other ultra-hardy products, snacks, fast food, fried food and fast carbohydrates, then you are sorrowfully regularly. Probably, you have a feeling of lack of energy, dull skin, swelling eyelids, chronic problems with digestion, the overall feeling of fatigue, overweight.

In this case, is it not time to reconsider or correcting your diet?

Lack of quality sleep

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It is impossible to stay in order if you lack sleep. If you're going to sleep correctly, then in your room should be nezarko, dark (for your body, even light from alarm clock - a signal to suppress the production of sleep hormone, Maletonin) and quietly (if you used to fall asleep under the TV, stop!)

At night, your body puts himself in order, literally repairs itself. So this is your debt - sleep high quality.

Lack of movement

Without it, you can do without. You must provide yourself with movement and exercises. No excuses if you want to stay healthy.

Stress with whom you failed to cope

This is the real killer. I saw people with completely terrible habits, but they perfectly coped with stress and remained healthy. I could recommend yoga, meditation, banal stress avoidance. In any case, something needs to be done, because otherwise you do not see health.

Text author: Jane Barlow Christensen

Source: medium.com.

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