10 sudden and effective ways to get rid of annoying guy


    Women often have to put up with unwanted attention to their address, however, some men are particularly persistent. REDDIT customers are offered to go to the case with humor - we collected the best ways to get rid of annoying fans.


    Once at a party, I told the guy, which I unleashed me that I was hunting from him. He did not believe and continued to pester. Well, I was stuck. Right to him on the pants. To prove that I am right, nothing personal.


    I went to the bus and became an object of unwanted attention from an unfamiliar man. I did not know how to get out, then I came up with. She shut down sharply, it became just carefully to look into his eyes, and when he was inserted, came out at the bus stop, proudly crushed her nose.


    I constantly got one familiar guy: I tried to clamp in the corner and clutch. It came to the point that I was afraid of going out. Then I realized that I had to do something really terrible to leave me alone. Well, I threw it with poop. Do not ask where I took.


    I was 17 and I was standing alone at the bus stop when I started to pester some kind of vague type. When the company came to the bus stop, I rushed into an embrace to the most huge threatening look and pretended that he was my friend. Fortunately, he immediately understood what was happening and played against me. And the type disappeared.


    After my boyfriend changed me and we broke up, he began to throw me a sms of the most different content: from recognition in love before curses. When I got it at all, I pretended that it was not my number, and answered all his messages something like "Who is it?", "Why do you write me?", "This is my new number, how do you know him? ". He instantly lagged behind.


    I pretended to have blocked his number and brought it into a blacklist. Every time he wrote to me, I sent him a mistake 23. The message was not delivered, because the subscriber introduced you to the blacklist. " He first answered me - "Yeah you, damn, seriously?!", But I sent the same text, and he no longer wrote. Thanks Google!


    One guy constantly wrote me, tired of scary. Then I sent him a spare message about how I dream to get married, to give a bunch of kids, never work and live only on the care of my husband. It should be noted that he was very afraid that the girls meet with him because of the money (although after the divorce he lived with her mother), so I immediately stopped writing.


    I returned to my hometown and settled to work in a cafe. There was a friend of childhood, with whom he crossed the pair of phrases that he perceived as a flirting and began to come to my job every day. Then I called his grandmother and improved. He did not come anymore. I do not know that my grandmother did with him.


    I said that I had a novel with a star and showed some photos taken by Paparazzi, where the star was with a girl like me. He drove and stopped calling.


    Sometimes I put on the fake wedding ring. The guy takes my hand, and there - surprigs! I began to do this after a few men, seeing you on my finger, considered our duty to stick to me tightly. It's amazing how much people easier to perceive the fact that I was already in a relationship than just understand that I don't want to communicate with them, damn, leave me alone.

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