Former husband is a useful animal. 9 advantages in gifs



About former husbands usually say as the dead, only on the contrary: or bad, or nothing. And completely in vain. With the right approach to the projectile (in a figurative sense, it is also possible to directly) a former husband - a completely useful animal (in the literal sense, but it is possible in portable).

Since a former husband:

Perfectly raises self-esteem

Former husband is a useful animal. 9 advantages in gifs 37191_2

Yes, if initially he went to the young fashion model, then self-esteem suied a little about the wall to smithereens. But when was it? And now he is all rummaged, suddenly the old and model has long thrown it. And you lost weight, grumbled, made a career and you have a young lover with roses and sushi. One look at the former makes the mood for a week.

Replaces twenty calls to ZEK

Former husband is a useful animal. 9 advantages in gifs 37191_3

Husbands are arranged in such a tricky way that they do not know how to repair the current (water) cranes only ones (at this time stage). But when the former asks to help - a man suddenly immediately knows how. Unless, of course, the former pre-sued children, the palace and the kidney. And, by the way, there is no two hundred times to remind one hundred times and a hundred times to scandal - it is enough to call once.

It works free nanny

Former husband is a useful animal. 9 advantages in gifs 37191_4

Any good mother from time to time should be drunk, fall asleep in the bushes and "Yo-Hu!" A good mother, who does not happen from the periodic "Yo-Hu!", Rather quickly deteriorates and begins to spoil children. If not part, then the man copes perfectly with the heirs. As suddenly decides that he is a good father, and inflates from pride. They love this feeling, so let him inflate. Yo-Hu!

Serves as a threshold for your mom

Former husband is a useful animal. 9 advantages in gifs 37191_5

As soon as the mother opens his mouth to tell you what freak is your current husband, you need to sigh and tell her that, just days, the ex reguded again. Against this background, the current looks like Batman, and the mother descends steam. And everyone is good.

Helps financially

Former husband is a useful animal. 9 advantages in gifs 37191_6

Some former husbands do it regularly. True, it is almost mythical creatures, like unicorns. But, in the extreme case, let pre-grumble and smoothes, a former husband can help. So the more your former husbands, the higher your chances not to die with hunger in a difficult year.

Pulls secret desires

Former husband is a useful animal. 9 advantages in gifs 37191_7

If you gather in one room three former, one current and watch, how cute they drink beer, there is a feeling of implementing the secret dream of a harem, where everyone loves you, but be friends with each other. And the mirror suddenly looks in rock beauty, regardless of weight, age and other tactical and technical characteristics.

Replaces psychotherapist

Former husband is a useful animal. 9 advantages in gifs 37191_8

On the shoulder of the former you can always cry - the former does not feel the danger (for it is not), so carefully listen and even advice gives. Sometimes - quite good. By the way, it doesn't matter who is crying on whose shoulder. If you cry on his shoulder - he strokes you on my head and regret. If he is on yours - you stroke him on your head and think: "a ha ha, so you, goat, and necessary." In general, one solid psychotherapy.

Ensures illusions

Former husband is a useful animal. 9 advantages in gifs 37191_9

Nothing improves relations with a relevant man as a terrible past experience of family life. You already know exactly what to wait, why not wait, why not need to yell, what kind of zakydon forgive, and which one is not worth it, and so on. If a former husband appears in your field of view so far, it serves as an excellent reminder, better than any electronic.

Helps to feel a vertex

Former husband is a useful animal. 9 advantages in gifs 37191_10

We have a lot of amazing girlfriends with you. Which are smart, beautiful, but alone. And which in the sky and in the glass of wine in your kitchen: "And where, in general, all the men?" Usually the interlocutors in response only sigh (and the sky too). But you can choose a former more repetitive, to acquaint them, to teach a girlfriend to use this former, everyone will be happy, and you will still be a good fairy.

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