How to help your girlfriend, which contacted the sect


How to help your girlfriend, which contacted the sect 37188_1

One of the most dangerous tracks on which a woman can go is to believe it. Neither the family nor friends can switch to the living person to the toggle switch in the brain if he clicked on "not to take incoming if they diverge with the general line."

And now, now, sit back? Not!

Discuss with her

Exactly, calmly, with a friendly voice, talk to her about the fact that you do not like her current passion. It would be nice to have weighty arguments. Not "All these sects are one selection of money from the population," and "are you knowing that this wshi-blagadad-Buddha in Germany in 2010 and in Belarus in 2005 were condemned for fraud? Maybe he corrected - which does not happen, but you are careful, okay? " The likelihood that she immediately assumes - zero. But the person who is able to not have tools about her personal choice - you will stay, and therefore, in case of doubt, it will most likely talk to you, and not with those who have repeatedly gave her to understand what an idiot is.

Discuss with loved ones

Yes, yes, call or even go to her mom or husband. It must be said that the likelihood of a decent husband is almost no - in strange religious organizations, women carry exactly that confidence, which cannot be used in the family - either the men are not at all, or for trust it is more worse than the past Anastasia. So mom. Or adult children.

How to help your girlfriend, which contacted the sect 37188_2

Most likely, they are even more panic than you. You risk only a loss of a friend, and they can stay outside in a heavy slak. And the appearance on the horizon of the sane person (you) who do not care - for them is just a holiday. Attention!!! Do not give promises! No, if your dad is the district police general, you can promise a family that tomorrow this temple will be closed, and all the ministers will go to pilgrimage to holy places in Northern Kazakhstan. And if there is no such dad? That is not. All you can now think about the family is how to minimize damage. Who is recorded housing? Are children spelled out with mom? Is these children big enough to refuse to go there?

But the main thing is that you give a family right now - this is the feeling that it is not they go crazy, but simply their girl is not lucky. Happenes. As a disease. Yes, perhaps hard. And maybe it will cost.

Pretty learn the question

The fact is that the most damned sects are not at all those that the most chasing. We know quite socialized Krishnaitis. Well, hairstyles are strange, well, vegetarians (milk), well, at home are these funny pupae, which need to feed the first meal - so what? Go to work, marry, learn. But some church of the last covenant, in appearance everything is fragrant, for the average TV, almost from Orthodoxy is indistinguishable - and in fact and suicide are approved, and property wonders.

There are several factors that increase degrees "We must be afraid and urgently take measures." That's what can evaporate an external person without conducting deep intelligence:

How to help your girlfriend, which contacted the sect 37188_3

1. What do they have with ideas ? If all references, for example, on the Bible, and not "only our true-right-Bible", and "Yes, in your home New Testament, there are all this, on such something and such a page" - then nothing. And if the "reincarnation of the Virgin Mary and Yoga Mohammed" is very bad. The fact is that Avraamic (Judaism, Christianity, Islam) and all other religions are built on very different ideas about the universe *, and the logic in them is different, and the person's place in them is fundamentally different. So there will be no single versions system that is going to stand in a bunch. And the crooks, of course, will use everything that will be touched by hand.

Anyway is still very disturbing that "science has proven." Solving science beliefs respect, but do not touch. And some cosmic bacteria, which broke the Milk Milk Milk Changishana - is, again, again, the selection of money from the population. Otherwise, who will they buy these lactic acid bacteria for 80 bucks bubble?

2. What is their hierarchy? If there is any score system for which you can go out from Level-0 to go to Level-1 (and so to the magic values), and especially if the points can be bought - trouble. And especially if there is some secret knowledge of Level-APU. In a decent place, people will be shrugged, they will say "well-y-y ... need to learn .... Take exams ... Consider how higher education. And so what, won, book read, it is free. " And indecent place - it is "to sell Opium to the people by 70 thousand, you will get access to the main training program and the degree of diamond guru with a purple strip."

3. The faster it is possible to go to "our" , the worse. Orthodoxy recently returned the stage of catechization quite recently, that is, ceased to allow any street to the sacraments from the street, (and, by the way, did it right), and now requires a couple of lectures to listen to what you are going to subscribe. To the Catholics before baptism, an adult will walk a year. Even the Krishnaitis will be asked first to consider Bhagavat-Gita and, uh, wait with the participation while the meat food already eaten will leave the intestine naturally. If you need to "just take" (and even more free) - it's bad.

Extreme measures

How to help your girlfriend, which contacted the sect 37188_4

If, appreciating the risk, you and the family together decided that it was necessary to save a person, then we have a working method in our country, alas, one. It is necessary to find through all the familiar and friends of the walled father and moving with a girlfriend for a shake to it. Not because he will drive the demon from it (although she is probably said to him). And not because Orthodoxy is the key of all the troubles (although, perhaps, it will end up). And because Orthodoxy is a long-playing proven denomination with understandable costs, and also because the father will talk to her exactly on the language that she is capable of hearing. And since your girlfriend has an uncontrollable slot in the head opened, let the adapter in the clear and predictable side will be constantly included in this connector. Perhaps it will become very, very Orthodox. Maybe everything will throw everything and go to live in the monastery. It is still better than meals by naked prasadam in a woman in a one-room apartment without a passport and phone, and even better than collective euthanasia with children and households.

By the way, if there is good proven protestants among familiar proven - it is also suitable. With people who have acute incontinence of confidence, they are even more careful than Orthodox. Well, except that specialists in the conclusion from the sect there are more difficult to find, and for later life Protestantism is no worse.

The most important thing

Take care of yourself. Really bad sects, especially when it comes to property, can very nervously react when someone has already half-stewed food, someone pulls out of their mouths. Not glowing once again, the more you should not personally appear where they hang out. If, for example, you need to go pulling a girlfriend physically - collect the crowd. And more reliable, and it is harder to guess who is the organizer here, and who is for the crowd.

* More information about the difference between Arabiamic and other religions is a very serious and major labor "The History of Faith and Religious Ideas" Mircea Eliad.

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