Altruism is such egoism, only in profile



Some psychologists argue that people are not good just like that, but solve some internal problems with the help of charity. We, of course, will listen to their arguments, but then burn all these psychologists on the fire. On a slow fire. Because you do not need to lie, we are very kind.

Worker & collective farmers

The formation of this type of altruists had to be in the last five-year hundred USSR, when it was necessary to give away his beloved beast to the starving children of Ethiopia. Some children later found their headlocks sistered from the hearts at the landfill behind the school and crossed in conviction that: a) life - shit; b) all lgut; C) Help must be address and d) Help must be dosed. The rest prefer to tear the bear from the heart of their own heirs, if only the children of Ethiopia stopped, finally, hungry, and otherwise everything was in vain ... What are you saying? Find on the map Ethiopia? Well ... I, actually, altruist, not a geographer.


Cinderella, understandable, did not like evil stepmother, even if biologically was a native mother. Well, not that here just did not like, just reminded that if it were not for Cinderella, Mom would have been filmed from Tarkovsky, would not marry this goat and would not break the wishes to the wishes in ten times. Cinderella was wild ashamed (especially for the cove), and she all childhood and adolescence began to give mom's arguments on the topic "It was not in vain, you see?" And then Cinderella rose and automatically continues to buy surrounding obedience and reliability. Because it works.

PR manager


At first glance, exceptionally politicians suffer indicative charity, especially in the run-ups of elections. But it only seems so. Try to transfer money to the starving kits Biryulyovo and not tell anyone about it. And then translate again and keep silent again. And so - ten times. No, you can not tell anyone, even Nataska. Happened? If yes - here is your teleportation booth, post it immediately into the tenth item.


This demon of hell under the mask of Altruism tritely hides the desire to drive you into the bushes without panties to see the brand collection. Or just wants to borrow. Or something more vigilantly wants, diligently creating the impression of the absolute nonsensebrennik and cute nyashchki. If the goal of a fisherman is great and desperately desirable, he may be pretended for years. And altruism does not apply it to all, but only on those who will be back at this altruism.

Cognot stuck


And this is the victim of the fisherman from the point above. However, it is not necessary. It may be a victim of disproportionate thanks. When people make us good, we automatically try to answer them in good, help and affectionate smile. Problems begin when you rewrite your estate on the south coast of France on a person who made the right moment and made you a cheese sandwich.

All run

And I ran. If the orbit of Altruism and / or charity dragged the entire circle of communication, you think that you have no choice, in essence, no. All around is good, you need to match. The problem here is that you do not want to help anyone, in fact. You just want to disappear from the team. How much do you need to funeral Bubikov? Fifty kopecks? No problems! And then you sit and think - the damns of bagels, could not die after the advance ...

This is my cross!

And carry it to me. It is hard to carry, through the bumps and ravines, on the night, in the frost, on foot. Yes, I am strong and unhappy, but who, if not me? The cross about his exorbitant gravity, of course, is reminded regularly. The cross is aware that if it were not for his dear angel altruist, the cross would have long left this fume, and in a very unsightly form. So what? Any good deed beautifully veils almost any manipulation.



So I translated the cost of one pack of cigarettes to help Syrian refugees, it means that I am an expert on the Syrian problem. Here you are watching your TV, read your Internet, and never ass will be raised and the mouse did not click on the translation to do. Ashamed? So, listen to me, I have all geopolitical layouts on the knee, I know everything about Assad, I am a benefactor.

Plusik in Karma

This is such an internal agreement with God, the universe and other unknown. I now do good, and then the prince will be a horse. And even, it is not excluded, the fading in addition. Such egoism is quite harmless to others, but altruism does not even become.

Okay, let him be this item. Angel

You (here are you personally) the real altruple and no internal problems decide. And this article insulted you in the best feelings and opened the righteous wrath of the system "I am not like that!". Suppose. But it's still a terrible egoism - to be a good person without any game of subconscious, as others see your Nimbi, they want to be friends with you and marry you! Go to the monastery, while psychologists and have not done to you.

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