23 phrases from which sex begins


We mean - good sex. Great sex. Sex who wants to repeat! Put in the comments a figure how many matches you have!

1. "What are you not sleeping?"

23 phrases from which sex begins 37184_1

2. "Bring a towel, please!"

23 phrases from which sex begins 37184_2

3. "Well, here and the titers went ..."

23 phrases from which sex begins 37184_3

4. "What, frozen?"

23 phrases from which sex begins 37184_4

5. "Why are you preparing? Mmm, smells like delicious! "

23 phrases from which sex begins 37184_5

6. "And here I have a bedroom, damn, there is not a ....". "

23 phrases from which sex begins 37184_6

9. "AAA, my chain in her hair was confused, help, eh?"

23 phrases from which sex begins 37184_7

10. "Everything, today I will not stand from the sofa. What did you bring? Is it really ice cream? Oh, why do I have such happiness? "

23 phrases from which sex begins 37184_8

11. "Well, listen, I'm scary too! I'm with you actually too first! "

23 phrases from which sex begins 37184_9

12. "Everything. I don't want to look at you. And I will not. Here I will look out the window. And your hands take away. Hands removed! Although no, not from here. From here do not remove. "

23 phrases from which sex begins 37184_10

13. "However, we are stuck"

23 phrases from which sex begins 37184_11

14. "Listen, you don't have a tick over a televist?"

23 phrases from which sex begins 37184_12

15. "Such a big boy is and afraid of ticking? AA !!! I came my hour! "

23 phrases from which sex begins 37184_13

16. "Well, there is no light. And Waifa, naturally, too. "

23 phrases from which sex begins 37184_14

17. "I have a cream, which is not suitable for a face, and the lime is necessary somewhere. Want a massage? "

23 phrases from which sex begins 37184_15

18. "Speak, temperature? Let's give forehead ... "

23 phrases from which sex begins 37184_16

19. "AAA! My blouse! - Do not burn, now we drag

23 phrases from which sex begins 37184_17

20. "What do you eat? and me a piece? "

23 phrases from which sex begins 37184_18

21. "Well, how just it turned out! And the determinant of the matrix is ​​even easier, see ... "

23 phrases from which sex begins 37184_19

22. "Baby sleeps! Baby sleeps! "

23 phrases from which sex begins 37184_20

23. "Do not cry. Please do not cry. Well, or spare a little, if necessary, here is my shoulder, use "

23 phrases from which sex begins 37184_21

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