9 signs that you saved everyone. Interns


Do good deeds are easy and pleasant, especially if for this it is not necessary to pull the ass from the sofa and get out of the Internet. We collected 9 signs that you have accurately saved everyone. With pictures!



His Majesty Repost is Alpha and Omega of Your International Charity. You are imparting for Dalmatian puppies who are going to sleep navy slave owners, homeless kittens, children, for an urgent operation that money is collected for the fifth year, and white bears in Africa. The sphere of your interest is truly limitless! The main thing is to help everyone!



You know exactly exactly how to manage the state (it is not more difficult than cooking the borsch, here is an honest word), and perplexed, why no one understands anything. Idiots some kind of power! It is clear that the flowers are workers, ice cream - peasants, and so that no one left offended! You are actively carrying your point of view. Encut the people, so to speak.

Official lawlessness


You infinitely signify the petitions, appeals, open letters, write exposing posts in Facebook and complain about the books of feedback and suggestions, threatening to reach the reception office. Nothing can hide from your dull look! In a narrow circle you are also called "Mashka - a thunderstorm of officials." The truth for some reason is strangely grinning.

Country Soviets


You can contact you according to any burning question: from the vaccine-philaxis of the tick-borne encephalitis to the pre-revolutionary recipe for the savings of the cabbage "like an empress of the Empress" - you know everything. And you do not hesitate to give advice to the right and left. And if you do not ask, you still give. Well, they do not understand all happiness, pah!

Mama groups


In your subscription list, all the Mamochy groups that are in the Internet. How else? In one - mad natures, in the other - Intrive careerists, in the third - breastfeeding to school, in the fourth - wear in a sling to the institute ... And you need to know everything! Suddenly, someone's child is somehow not so developing! Does not read in five months? Urgently write about it everywhere - suddenly it means something !!



One day, finding a couple of coolies on Aliacpress or Aiherbe, you decided that it was impossible not to share the wonderful with the public, and immediately organized three online store selling everything. Now your house resembles a warehouse, the debit with the loan is not converged, but everyone around goes happy in rims with the straps who bought you!



You lead webinars on any topic! Yesterday, for example, there was cultivation of flowers on a unique Japanese method, which includes a clip, a mirror and a condom, and today will be "how to wake the sexual goddess-acrobat." Well, that, what is for free and only three people listen. But you carry knowledge into the masses.



Fearing that mankind is luxurious in the ignorance, you in every post and every comments are promoting your opposition, in which you believe and which worship. For example, you enlighten all the dark people about the Overton window or the effect of vaccinations on the formation of the psyche. Nothing that speech is initially going about a new film "War and Peace", the doctrine, as they say, light!



You are sure that people are mostly stupid, illiterate and frankly boring, only elected elected, capable of truly assessing the life of life and its vanity. I am also sending signals, scattering in social networks of extensive centions on the topic "Ah Garden My, the poor garden" and the upcoming end of the world, when only who will be saved? Right, Favorites! You need to stay together!

Pictures: shutterstock

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