The main financial habits that need to be acquired by 30 years


To live from scholarships to scholarships, from the sponsorship of the mother before the next translation is fine when you are 20 and you just right about the right of a cheerful female fool. To do the same in 30 sad.

You have been working for about 10 years and even build any career, you may have children or plan to get them, but you still have a week before salary shoot pipaths from friends and hiding electricity bills in the hope that they will disappear by themselves. It is time to conduct a revision of its financial customs.

Live by means

Just like a stool - to waste as much as you earn, or less. If you are clearly lacking on this chair to the tone of scarf, one tour in a five-star hotel and these boots (or enough, but then you will live on bread stills for a month) - either look for additional things in earnings, or look for an alternative to cheaper.

Avoid debt

Duty is Satan and the main enemy. Debts are stress and neurosis, Zadbolbanny your constant desire to climb into their pocket friends and collectors who, like sharks, narrow circles around you. These are growing interest on the loan and, we will be frank, direct road to chronic retailet. You can take into debt, but this is an extreme measure for extreme circumstances, for those cases when it comes to health or life. But take a debt to buy a silk pajamas of Lyme color from "Chanel" - a sign of stupid nonsense.

If debts accompany you all the time, check that you spend large sums on the monthly, and think about how you can cut. Maybe you are not for the means to live alone in three-bedroom apartments, and you need to either drive away from the center, or remove something painful. Or find a companion and pour costs. Or you eat daily in restaurants - then it is better to invest in a good frying pan and start mastering cooking.

Put the money

In fact, you will need three cubes, and not alone. The first is in case of life cataclysms like loss of work or health. This is a stabilization fund that will support you in black times. It is desirable that it makes a sum that equals your salary at least six months. Having collected the amount required, you can stop.

The second - Kubashka of big plans, will fall here to buy money for the purchase of a house, cars, Arabic hill or large-scale events like eco and childbirth in a decent Swiss clinic. The size depends on the latitude of your nature.

And finally, the third cube is retirement. Yes, we also intend to be eternally young, but in case all if it does not make exceptions for you and will not stop, you will need money on retirement, because our pensions are a mockery. Of course, you can't live for this money until the end of your life, but you will be able to pay debts, if you have such an end to work, or afford decent medical services. About 10% of your monthly income should go to the pension cube.

On average, adult girls postpone about 25% salary.

Don't waste

Everyone has different living standards and ways to let the money for the wind, but there are typical nonsense, which, if you count the sam, they burn some kind of disproportionate amount of finance. These include trends brands - that is, things that cost is expensive simply because there are famous stigma, and things that will not be needed in FIG by 3 months, but today they flashes in all magazines.

Buying a luxury crap, you justify yourself by the fact that this is the quality and for centuries, but at least you do not like. The difference in quality between luxury and mass market is insignificant if there is at all. The nonsense includes daily dinners in a cafe, if you can take food in Lanchbox, a taxi to drive one and a half kilometer, because the luxury trend studs are hisery as Spanish boots, regular meetings in bars instead of living rooms and new things instead of the simplest mining.

Composition Budget

Yes, this is not the most fun business in the world, but you should know how much and what you can spend. To build a realistic budget, watch your spent a couple of months to at least understand the ratio. If you notice that I spent half of money on the kabaks and remember well that I was missing for food and the bills in the end, the costs redesigned and try not to leave these frameworks. And if the bar budget is rather designed for beer, do not order champagne.

Pay bills in time

Figures on fat are not so huge. But they can grow up, because penalties are attacked by unpaid bills. And if putting up with the instrument for payment for too long, then you will be sent to the court at all, and it is unpleasant and spoils credit history. Take the habit of paying bills monthly and all time so that nothing to forget about anything.

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