Sunday Mom: Anyway, a good mom. Maybe it is


It doesn't matter how it happened - the work is to blame, the housing question has been a housing, health does not allow or something personal. But it just happened that your child does not live with you, but with a grandmother, aunt or dad.


And you come to see him only on the weekend, with full bags of gifts and a sense of guilt. How to stay by my mother even in such a situation and not lose contact with the child?

Create traditions

May you and the child be your tradition - only for you two. For example, read out in the evenings, draw on the giant watch of Watman imaginary cities or prepare together on weekends.

These traditions will be anchor, a strong binder, and the child will know - let the sky takes to the ground, but Sunday cooks are indispensable, and he makes them only with you.

Do not lick communication

Fortunately, it's easy now - calls, sms, messages in Facebook and voice letters, but - every day. Let him feel that between the weekend you do not fall anywhere - you are here, he is important to you and you are always ready to help. No, it is absolutely optionally to lead long talk about life. Even a simple "good night", but every day will be enough.

Keep promises


If you promised that you will go to the zoo on this weekend, hurt in the cake, but the zoo will provide. No your objective reasons for the child will not seem. It will be just a huge disappointment and insult.

Do not buy it

This is, first of all, meaningless in the long run. The child when it grows up, will forget all these toys and clothes that Mom squeezed him at the weekend, but still will remember that he saw it on the weekend.

Secondly, it is harmful in perspective short-term. There is a risk that you will with your gifts will turn into a weekly Santa Claus, from which nothing but gifts is not required.

Show than you live

If the child has already grown, try to explain to him why you live apart, but - carefully. If the reason in the work, turn it into your office, show what you do, - let him not perceive your job as an unknown competitor.

Keep calm


Never allow yourself to tear a bad mood on the child, even if you are tired, like Savra, and in general the week was a lousy. He sees you once a week, or even less, waiting, misses, and here you appear, all this is on the platoon and smoke from the nostril.

It's hard to cope with yourself - arrange a buffer zone between work and family. Put in loneliness of an hour, lie in the bath, read the book, in the end. Yes, it is minus an hour of communication with the child. But it will see you calm and cheerful, and the remaining hours will be yours and his, and not your irritation.

Don't get friends

He will not trust your secrets. He will trust them to someone who is constantly nearby - grandmother, or dad, or aunt, but not you. Commitment with this and do not pull anything tick out of it. Trust is being studied for years and is not served on demand.

Do not re-educate


Maybe you do not approve something in grandma educational methods. But then you need to talk to my grandmother, and not with a child. He had his own picture of the world in his head, with clear ideas about how and how it is not necessary.

And if the grandmother allows you to climb on the trees and do not eat the soup, and you suddenly do not allow, and you also shout, - you automatically turn into an aggressor, which encroaches the most aces of the world order. Bad way to stay to the child closer.

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