How to live with parents in the world and harmony and do not go crazy


Maternal instinct is a mighty thing and invincible. It is thanks to him that you listen to the fact that you need to wear a hat, not to drink a lot and not talk to strangers on the streets. Tired! PICS.RU found ways to cope with excessive care! Sign up!

And Vaska listens, yes eats

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That is, nodding your head, say "yes yes" and agree with all the advice, even the most idiot, even if you are advised to force the apartment by Rododendron face south, eat exclusively boiled cabbage and wear a foil hat. But do everything in my own way. Parents with age are often afraid that they will lose their importance in their life suddenly suddenly crowded children. Your business is to pretend that you listen to them, sometimes it happens enough.

Bypass slippery topics

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And do not make a conversation about them at all. Your mother turns into an enraged fury, if it comes to the methods of making mosquito eyebrows in sour cream? Do not talk to her about it. Dad bugs and torment, if you start discussing the foreign policy of Honduras? Do not discuss this. If necessary, make a list of dangerous topics and forever cross out them from the list of parents discussed with their parents.

Reduce communication

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To the level of the required minimum. The method works if you are not muming-daddy daughter and calmly carry separation with parents, and they, in turn, do not suffer either and do not take offense. In this case, you just have no time to find out who once again went to smoke without a hat, I forgot to wash the cosmetics for the night and the second time kicked my husband from home. True, perhaps you have to listen to that you lost weight, do not eat at all, but, agree, this is a small fee for calm.

Live apart

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That is, finally come from them. We understand that there is often no opportunity to settle separately: there is not enough money, determined, and let's look at the truth - it's nice when they are cautious from work home, and you have a hot dinner and smoothed clothes for tomorrow. But, seriously, are you really going to spend your whole life under the wing? Sooner or later you will have to fall out of the nest and, honestly, we are sure that it is better before, the later. As the classic wrote, the face to face the face is not seen, it seems big on distance. For parents, it works at 146%.

Denote border

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The main determination here. The calm of the parents is a very important thing, but you are no longer 15 to hide cigarettes in a box with cowards and tell the fairy tales that you drank just a couple of wine glasses at the party. If you poured into the phone, and my mother is already flying to you with supersonic speed, tiger ointment, militantly waving a thermometer and a three-liter clismum with a chamomile, then as you can recalcoly remind her that you, damn, 20 years old, are you a man with the highest Education and, damn, can cope with a banal cold. Here you can earn it to promise that if what suddenly - you will tell her immediately, will call and call for help, because it is onzhematsya!

Do not contradict

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Suitable for the weak spirit. If you are not able to defend your point of view, protect yourself or live as you want, you can go on the parents at least to the end of life. If this gives you pleasure - then doubly well.

Get paddle

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Your main and only priority, as an adult individual - own calm and good mood, which guarantees a harmonious psycho-emotional environment in your own family. You should not be a good girl for mom with dad, it is no longer your responsibility. If you are a nightmare brain on the topic that you are nasty, nasty and ungrateful daughter, you have a complete right to close the door in front of these people and never again to let them in your life, at least until they catch up and do not come in yourself.


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Unfortunately, most of us are brought in hard authoritarian regime "I listen and obey", and our parents, especially those grew in the situation when pressure and physical punishment for children were considered the norm. In such a situation, the urgency, the bore, constant reproaches in the order of things simply because his mother with dad seems to be that otherwise they will lose your attention and imaginary parental authority. So all these notations and morals are nothing more than the need for attention and love. So do not regret the time, explain why not watch TV, why go to the doctor is not scary, why do not stupid from the Internet, why you can walk without a hat, why your life is only your life, and you have the right to our own solutions. We believe in you!

On the announcement: Frame from the series "Married with children"

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